@danabw - I am also using a UniFi network, with a NanoHD. When I was having network issues, I did notice a significant rise in the CPU usage on the NanHD AP. Just curious if you're seeing any excessive CPU usage. As a baseline, I present below what my NanoHD looks like for the last 1 day.
I didn't see an answer about Mike's question: looking at the Live Logs for the Lutron Telnet device, are you seeing every inbound button push, or not? Forget about range for a minute, let's just focus on connectivity. Mike is pointing out that there are two completely different problems depending on the answer to this question.
Do some testing with Live Logs isolated to the Lutron Telnet device. The Lutron Telnet device needs Preference for Description Text on. Hit a pico button. You should see something like this for button 3:
Are you getting these or not? That's a press and release of one button, as sent by Lutron via telnet, logged by Lutron Telnet device.
Your symptoms could be explained by a bad telnet connection. I've seen this in my own system, and it was a LAN issue; manifested as lousy reliability for Lutron control by the hub.
I had posted the info below on that question previously, forgot to refer back to it when I replied to Mike's most recent question. In the case below, out of eighteen button presses, only two were registered.
Below is another log capture from just now, Lutron-only device...14 actual presses of the second button on the Pico, only six registered:
14 presses, 6 registered below:
Two groups of 10 presses below, 3 and 6 registered
The first set is from the bedroom earlier today, where things are the worst, the other two sets from just now from the family room where things can be somewhat better but still not good, obviously.
OK, so this proves that the connectivity from Lutron to the hub is faulty, and that most likely implicates the telnet connection, and your LAN. In theory it could be the Lutron bridge, but more likely it's your LAN. That would include the hub's connection to the LAN, as well as other devices and the Lutron bridge.
The Lutron Hub is connected to my network via a switch. I can try a different Ethernet cable, and a direct connect to my router and see if that makes any difference.
I'm also going to go through and power down/reboot my router and all of my switches.
Most recent additions to my network in terms of devices are two Govee lights, so I'll take a closer look into those as well.
Everything else in my network seems to be is running normally, so unfortunately I don't have any obvious\likely smoking guns pointing anywhere.
Nothing new in my house remotely related to RF/434MHz. No idea if neighbors picked up something new, and we have kids in the area so powerful walkie-talkies are a potential problem. However, the problems are so consistent that they would have to be using the walkie-talkies all the time day or night.
You can be certain there is no interference for the Lutron RF. It's using licensed spectrum -- there are no interferers in the US in that band. Your problem is your LAN, not RF range or interference. Get yourself a Lutron device, like a switch, and add it to your Lutron system. See if you can control it with the picos, completely separately from Hubitat. My bet is that will work perfectly.
Last night after rebooting my router and all of my switches the Picos seemed to be more reliable. Haven't done any real testing yet, but I was able to turn off the bedroom lights w/a single press for each, and this AM the three bulbs in the family room turned on/off w/single key presses, so I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll be able to get the LAN issues identified/sorted.
I just need to find a way to blast the wife out of "her" office so that I can test out alternate LAN connection options for the Lutron hub that will likely involve running ethernet from one side of the room to the other, and getting hands on my ER12 which is inconveniently stashed right next to her workspace.
After rebooting my network gear (router & managed switches) and shutting down, pulling power, and restarting my hub late last night, things appear to be back to normal with my Lutron Hub/Picos.
In regular use today I haven't had a single failure.
Frankly I feel a bit silly, rebooting my network gear should have been one of my first steps. Appreciate the help from everyone, and thanks, @bravenel for pointing me at my LAN. Clearly that was the guilty party.
Still haven't found any clear clues about why things went south with my network, will be monitoring.
I currently have 3 of 7 Pico that will not work from HE dashboard or any other mobile (I use HD+) integration.
Logs show the button presses but no action is taken.
They all work fine directly from from the Lutron app and the physical pico.
4 others work fine from HE. I've rebooted everything, rechecked the integration. I'm stumped.
C-8 On the latest beta It did it at I was still on an older 2.3 beta before that but hadn't used them from the dashboard/apps in a while. Only noticed as I was updating the button gui settings.
These have been installed for quite some time so perhaps I'll refresh the batteries and see what they do - though I'm not hopeful that's the root cause. Just doesn't make sense they work from the Lutron app and not elsewhere.
So... This is a different problem that was @danabw was having. It sounds like your Physical Pico remotes are working correctly, right?
In @danabw's case, the HE hub was not receiving all of the commands from the physical Pico remotes, and thus did not activate his automations correctly.
In you case, you are trying to use a Dashboard to emulate the physical button presses, correct? In this scenario, the actual physical Pico remotes are not used whatsoever. The HE hub cannot send any data to a Pico remote. The Pico remote is a one-way transmitter device. Press, Hold, and Release a button on the physical Pico, and the HE hub gets an event generated.
Using a HE Dashboard to trigger these events, just bypasses the physical Pico remote, and creates the same Event.
What happens if you use the Pico Remote's Device Page to execute the "Push" or "Hold" commands? Does the action that you expect to happen actually occur?
If not, are you sure that the Pico remotes that you're having the issues with are actually configured to trigger a Hubitat automation? OR, are they simply being used to directly control another Lutron Switch or Dimmer. If the latter, then Hubitat cannot be used to force a Pico remote to transmit a signal. For this reason, I have chosen to not even add to my Hubitat hub any of the Pico remotes that are simply used for 3-way or 4-Way switches purely in the Lutron lighting system.
I think you're on to something there and now I feel dumber for posting the problem.
Now that I think about it, the ones that work are setup as button controllers in the 5.1 button controller app and controlling Pico's that are setup "not Lutron" dimmers. The ones that don't work are linked to physical Lutron dimmers and not currently setup in button controller. That said, I'm 99.9% certain they did work at one time so something changed. At this point, don't care much what as I believe I can just create new button controllers (prefer that over RM for these) and make it work again.
I'm not actually using the HE dashboard, that was just to test this issue, I'm using these in HD+ and we were working on some cosmetic and operational GUI fixes with the author.
Thanks for the kick in the pants.
ETA: I cloned a working Pico button controller to the 3 that I needed and they all now work as expected. Yes, the Lutron dimmers are in the HD+ dashboard, but only as on/off/dim level (slider). I like having the 5-button "pico" with the middle button using a preset level if needed, just like the physical dimmer and picos.