Last night started having problems w/turning on Hue bulbs w/Picos.
Just two Hue bulbs in particular, two other Hue bulbs (same model) in different rooms are working fine w/Picos that control them.
Looking at logs it appears that the Lutron hub or the Lutron integration is intermittently interpreting Pico button presses as releases. Examples below - all "Releases" shown in the logs below were normal "quick" button presses I was doing while testing, but they are being identified as releases. Below logs are from one Pico, but this is happening across multiple Picos, old and new, w/new batteries.
While testing w/live logs open today I've also seen presses on the Pico not being registered in the logs at all - in some cases nothing appeared when I pressed a button on the Pico, verified it registered the press w/the flashing LED.
The Picos and bulbs have been working together happily for over a year and a half now until this started last night.
I did power cycle the Hue and Lutron hubs (pulled power as I couldn't find any other way to do so) and also shut down/pulled power/restarted w/the HE hub.
Appreciate any suggestions.