Even if you don't do that, the Hue Dimmer ($25 USD) or Eria Remote ($20 USD)--or even the remote that came with this $8.88 bulb I got for actually $4.88 at Home Depot, probably on clearance and soon to be not availalbe--can also reset Hue bulbs. I'm guessing most Touch Link remotes can, too (probably Ikea's cheap ones, but I've never tested).
I was convinced that the mistaken belief that only an LCBR could reset Hue bulbs was the reason they commanded such high prices in the used market, but apparently Wink users also like them, and they're getting harder to find after the discontinuation.
Anyway, my point is that you could probably sell them all and still come out ahead--and have something that works natively with the Hue system that can still reset bulbs if you ever happen to have that need (the Hue Dimmer), though any of the options above will do. I second everyone above who is a fan of how well Picos work on Hubitat (sans a small issue I have where they can be slow to respond the first time I use them after a reboot).
They make 4-button (2BRL: "two button plus raise/lower", as well as true 4-button, usually engraved for on/off of two different lights) Pico remotes. You can certainly find some that look like the LCBR or a Caseta dimmer. But just because the fifth button is there in the middle of the 3BRL model doesn't mean you have to use it. It is usually a bit cheaper than the others for some reason, but you can still usually find "four-button" models for not much more.