Lutron Caseta Smart Home Dimmer Switch - PD-6WCL-WH

Hi All, I am switching from Wink to Hubitat. I have been able to migrate most of my devices to Hubitat but I am having issues with PD-6WCL-WH. Can it be added using Z-Wave or do I need a pico controller for this dimmer to work with Hubitat?

Wink had a License for a Lutron ClearConnect radio, internal.

No other (living) Hub has that license. Hubitat tried, but Lutron said No.

The solution is to acquire a Lutron SmartBridge PRO. (Only PRO will do.) Then you can pair your Lutron devices to the SmartBridge Pro and Hubitat will be able to manage them.

What you should understand is that Hubitat's integration with Lutron is beyond exceptional. With Wink, the Picos could control Lutron dimmers and switches, but nothing else. With Hubitat, those Pico's become tiny System Controllers. One button can turn on/off and dim any number of ZWave, ZIgbee and Lutron devices.. and more. If you have LAN switches (ugh!) they can be controlled too. In Hubitat 'language' the Pico's are just buttons.. many buttons. Not only are there the obvious 5 buttons, but you have the option to use Long PUSH as yet another button.. for a total of 10 per Pico. OR.. if that option doesn't appeal, the long push can be used to start a dimmer dimming.. up or down.


Thanks for a quick response. Can't say that I am surprised. I am going to try to get rid of Lutron dimmers and switch to dimmers with native Hubitat support.


I would retain the Lutron gear.. it's fantastic. They are highly reliable, the ClearConnect signals are able to penetrate walls, floors and other obstructions because it's a lower frequency (433mhz.)


I would say that is rash. The lutron integration is exceptional There are some great z-wave stuff out there, but the pico angle is truly amazing. It's the best button controller I've ever used and it's useful because it can be stuck on something, put on a pedstal, or put in a wall switch on the wall. I would do more research around the forum (there are many similar posts) to get the full lay of the land. And if you do decide to get rid of lutron, let me know I'll buy the switches!


They are great switches, I do not disagree with that fact. I just don't want to deal with another controller. I'll keep you in mind if I'll actually will get rid of them.

Certainly throwing the baby out with the bath water there. The Lutron hub is a "set it and forget it" hub. Once I configured mine I never look at it unless I add more Lutron switches (2nd floor this year I hope). All the automation is done via HE as @csteele stated above.

If you do dispose of them, another vote for selling them to someone here on HE. I am sure you'll have plenty of takers.


There are numerous members here who have done the exact opposite of what you're proposing, myself included. I had a house full of Z-Wave switches and dimmers and dumped them all in favor of spending ~$2500 on Lutron gear to integrate with's that good. IMO you'd be shooting yourself in the foot to go the other way.


sell it to me. OR ill trade you for it. the used lutron switch for a brand new in box ZOOZ Zen22 dimmer

You are going to get plenty of buyers for this and there is a good reason for it. Keep your Caseta devices. HE + Lutron = high WAF

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I just made the transition to hubitat + the Lutron pro controllers
and its working great

If you decide to sell you stuff let me know :slight_smile:
but I think you would be very happy with the pairing of Lutron and HE

one other note the pico controllers are FANTASTIC with HE I have one on my desk that controls ceiling light fan and 2 lamps in my office 3D printed a stand for it as well

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Once you set up your devices with the Caseta Bridge, you NEVER have to go back to the Caseta app again. Everything is controlled via the Lutron integration in HE.

Here was my initial concern. I had issues with Wink where it lost agreement with 3rd party products such a garage opener and thermostat and I could no longer use them with home automation. And than I have a bunch of GE Zwave switches and dimmers that I have never had issues with and it was an easy switch from Wink to HE. My initial thoughts were to keep it simple and not wanting to invest another ~$150 into Lutron Smart Bridge. I only have 3 of them and replacing them with GE dimmers would cost the same as the bridge.

BUT I do like Lutron dimmers, both from look and feel and functionality standpoint. And thanks to the all comments above I might just bite the bullet and get the bridge.

Thanks for the help.

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Lutron is the number one system used by professional control/automation systems. The system is designed for integration which can't be said about most systems. This integration isn't vanishing overnight.


Very valid concern.

I am a Lutron fan, like many others here in this thread. I replaced all of my GE Z-Wave switches and dimmers with Caseta over the last 18 months. My family is extremely pleased with the reliability of the Hubitat + Lutron combination. We can now actually depend on lighting automations to work quickly and every time. This has resulted in lighting automations throughout the house, whereas before with my old Z-Wave (non ZW+) devices, we just couldn't depend on them.

The thing I really like about Lutron is that they are an engineering-based lighting company. It's what they do, as opposed to many other companies who have dabbled in home automation only to leave the market within a few years. Lutron existed (founded in 1961) long before SmartThings, Iris, Wink, Staples Connect, Hubitat, Vera, Homeseer, Insteon, etc... And Lutron will be around long after the market settles and many of those companies close their doors (many already have.)

With a Lutron Caseta SmartBridge Pro2, you gain access not just to Hubitat, but also SmartThings, HomeAssistant, OpenHAB, Apple HomeKit, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Logitech Harmony Hub, Sonos, Ecobee, Serena Shades, IFTTT, and more...

And, the beauty is that once the Caseta Switches, Dimmers, Fan Controllers, and Pico Remotes are paired to the Caseta SmartBridge Pro, you'll never need to pair them again. You can even use all of the aforementioned integrations in addition to using Hubitat's Lutron integration.

Z-wave switches have come a long way...however they will always be dependent on the features exposed by the Z-Wave controller that they are paired with. Lutron has direct connectivity to many systems, and is only augmented and improved by integrations with Home Automation hubs like Hubitat.

I wish the price hadn't jumped recently on the SmartBridge Pro. The impact of Covid-19 on the world's supply chain is certainly to blame.


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