Lutron Caseta Bridge Pro2 not connecting via telnet to Hubitat C7 hub

Hi All,

I just installed a Lutron Caseta system (with the Bridge Pro2) in my house and I'm trying to integrate it with Hubitat.

I have a C7 hub and I've gone thru the steps outlined here... Lutron Integrator | Hubitat Documentation
and the C7 isn't connecting via telnet to the Bridge Pro2.

The C7 and the Bridge Pro2 are connected to the same network and same network switch and I have the IP address of the Bridge Pro2 reserved in my router and the IP address is the same as in the Lutron app as it is in the HE Lutron Integrator app.

So far I've added one Lutron device and the Bridge Pro2 to HE.

The HE log for the Bridge Pro2 shows that the Bridge Pro2 Telnet is offline and the telnet connect failed.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled the Lutron Integration app several times and I continue to have this issue.

Any help is greatly appreciated... thanks!

Go to Settings \ Network and click Network Test in top middle of the screen. In the Ping host section, enter your Lutron hub's IP address and click ping. Make sure you are getting results back like mine:

If you get ping failed, then something is up with your network and your HE hub cannot talk to your Lutron hub. Please describe your network in further detail and hopefully someone can help.

Thanks for jumping in and giving your assistance.

As you suggested, I did ping my Lutron bridge from the network test in HE and got a good ping result...

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.67 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.01 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.876 ms

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.876/1.185/1.673/0.349 ms

So it looks like the C7 sees the Lutron bridge on my network.

My network is an Eero 6 Pro router and a Dell gigabit switch.

Any further ideas?

Thanks again!

I'm reaching way back in my memory but when I first setup Lutron I had to go into the Menu of the Lutron Pro and enable that telnet feature.

I have not touched that device in 5-6 years. IT works That reliably.. so I can't tell you anything about what's needed in 2024, only what I did back in 2018

Thanks... yep I've enabled the telnet support in the Lutron app.

You can always verify the telnet integration with Putty from a windows computer:
Connection type of Raw or Telnet work

Click Open - it takes a bit for the login prompt to appear
Enter lutron as username and integration as the password and then click a pico button or turn on a Lutron switch to ensure you see traffic like the following:

I appreciate that... I'll give that a try.

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Hi again ritchierich... okay tested the telnet as you indicated and I got a connection and response when I pressed buttons on a Pico

login: lutron
password: integration

My C7 still shows that the Lutron bridge telnet is offline :rage: I'm at a loss :rage: :rage:

FYI... tested ports 22 and 23

Pull up the Lutron Telnet device and enable debug logging and click Save Preferences. Open Logs in a separate tab and then click the Initialize button. Anything meaningful on those logs? Here is mine:

Here's what the Lutron telnet logs show...


Wow I am at a loss given you can successfully ping the Lutron hub via HE and you verified the telnet interface is working on the Lutron hub via Putty.

Tagging HE staff @bravenel and @bobbyD to hopefully provide more ideas.


Yup... I'm at a loss as well. I really appreciate the help and pointers that you gave me.

I'll see if anyone else has any ideas.

For now I'm going to take a break from this and go do other things that I need to tackle.

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@ritchierich I don't know what happened. but now it's working and the C7 telnet is connected.

I did uninstall and reinstall (again) the Lutron Integration app and renamed my Lutron Integration to something different than I had named it... now I named it Bridge Pro2 and viola!

Thanks again for all of your efforts helping me... I owe ya beer.


Awesome you got it working! It’s an awesome integration. If I were to finally build a beach house I would outfit it with all Lutron switches. I am growing too tired of the Zwave and zigbee headaches.


Seems to be working well and responds quickly. I swapped out my Z-Wave switches and dimmers with Lutron.