Lutron Bridge Pro 2 and current HE firmware and platform

Any major showstopper issues with and Lutron Caseta Bridge Pro 2?
Casetta and August Pro Wifi are the last holdouts on my SmartThings hub. Thought of spending a few hours this holiday transitioning to Bridge Pro 2 as means to ultimately sunset my SmartThings and the HubConnect 2 link its currently utilizing to send all things Lutron to HE and never look back (on SmartThings. HubConnect is pretty cool and still highly useful with HomeBridge).

Thought I saw some posts about some errors experienced lately between HE and Bridge 2 - are any of them showstoppers?

Any differentiation in functionality between C-5 and C-7 as it relates to this integration? I am running on C-5 but have a C-7 coming in a few days with the intent of expanding reach or swapping, whichever ends up being more practical and less buggy route

Many thanks to all for your enthusiasm and keeping this community buzzing,

Caséta will work fine, and there are no differences in that regard between C-5 and C-7.


Your Caseta stuff should work faster and more reliably because you will be communicating locally with the Lutron Bridge unlike SmartThings.


If there are any issues, they are few and far between. Lutron stuff just generally works, it rarely if ever causes problems.

I guess that depends upon your plans. You keeping both hubs, splitting devices or apps between two hubs, or what? I would probably tend to just start over and move stuff to the C7, but that is up to you.

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No issue with 34 Caseta pro devices with HE latest firmware. I am also using hubconnect between 3 hubs and one ST hub.
I am in the process of moving hubconnect to hub mesh. Hopefully sometime next week.

Edit : just a correction. 34 Caseta devices on a pro hub. Not 34 Caseta pro devices.


No issues for me with Have about 20 Lutron devices.

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Thank you all. Will experiment a bit with a couple of dimmers before migrating the >40 dimmwes and pico devices over and going through the “fun” project of updating rules, scenes and a myriad of sharptools dashboards that are in place.

Perhaps you will feel more comfortable with this if you know that our Lutron integration was part of the hub before even Zigbee was working -- in other words, from the very beginning. I have a RadioRA2 system in my home, and at the time we started Hubitat I owned a condo in which I installed Caséta for every switch/dimmer in the place. So, it's got legs, has been rock solid since very early days.


I've used Lutron integration on C7 w/out issue since I got my hub, as @bravenel notes, my Lutron picos are probably the most solid devices on my hub, simply never had any issues w/them regardless of FW version.

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I have faith in general with things working as they should for the most time. My question was mainly triggered due to some mentions of Lutron integration issues with respect to the current release and nothing else.

As Zahid (or is it Zaheed) in the Netflix show Atypical once said:

“Life always works (short pause)... usually”

Best description so far of my lifelong attitude towards anything and everything.

Thank you!

The issues that were reported were tangential, at best. The core integration works as expected, and hasn't had any significant issues in 2.2.4. Most of the code hasn't been touched in a year or more. There have been some issues around an esoteric RA2 device called a VCRX, which is the latest device for which support has been added.


The issues I reported were specific to, which was quickly superseded by the current release - so no worries. Lutron is solid.

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I'm a little slow to this party but I have had tangential issues with my normally rock solid Lutron Caseta integration. Not making a report as such yet. But, my issues are related to several Lutron-controlled devices coming on at a new time every day as compared to the schedule on time for these devices. Turn them off manually and they will still turn on & off at their scheduled times. Haven't been able to pinpoint exactly when this behavior started. Has continued through one or two upgrades on my C-5 & C-7 hubs (one each).

Crazy thing is that two of the three devices that are acting weird are not even integrated with Hubitat. I've updated both hubs tonight to and will continue testing the problem. Just wanted to drop a quick response to your use of the word tangential and playing down related issues elsewhere lately. If it goes much further I'll open a ticket. Cheers!

There was nothing done with the Lutron Integration that would explain what you're describing, if that's your question. If you have devices not integrated with Hubitat that are acting weird, take a close look at the Lutron Telnet logs. Lutron will send everything to Hubitat via Telnet, whether or not the device is integrated into Hubitat. So you should look for evidence there of the events you see.

Don't bother doing that. If you need help with Lutron, this is the way to get it.

There was an outage with AWS that caused Ring, Lutron and a wack of other things with their cloud services a few days ago.

My issues with Ring were not corrected until today. Had some Ring contact sensors Used trigger Alexa app to turn on virtual switch. As of this morning Ring was correctly working with Alexa, Alexa "appeared" to be communicating with Hubitat but lighting was not triggering. (Showed in logs)
And yes, my ring was effectively off line for 3 days. No notifications at all.

@bravenel, my issues were resolved as of the update. Periodic very slow response of integrated Picos to non-Lutron devices is now resolved. And, the mysterious issues on non-integrated Lutron devices was resolved by reset/re-adoption due to WAF prioritization of time.

In nearly three years of life with Hubitat, this was the only psuedo-showstopper event I have experienced. My networks are typically very stable and undergo very slow and methodical change using stable devices on Hubitat's proprietary apps & drivers (with few exceptions). So, assuming the issue was on your end, good work team for bringing things back into line so quickly with what is presumably a modest sized staff.

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