Lutron BLE/ zigbee

Has anyone seen this? Thoughts?

Or this?

Think there are changes in store for RA2 as well?

Clear Connect X will be interesting. Lutron is already on the BOD of the Zigbee Alliance and Thread group.

The RadioRA 2 main repeater is over 10 years old. I'm sure there will be an update. When? Who knows. But everything in existence will continue to work for a long time.

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Yeah it's got me wondering. I have the level 2 training scheduled. Now I don't knownifninshould wait a bit.

Edit. A read through those posts on lutron suggests telnet won't be going anywhere forn ra2...

Clearly LEAP will be added at some point and probably sooner rather than later. It is the only-ish remaining product line with Telnet-only integration. That possibly/likely means removing Telnet. But as I said, the old stuff will continue to be supported. I'd suggest keep going with the Level 2 training. Maybe you'd want to replace a repeater in the next few years, but you won't have to. People still have the original RadioRA systems going and there is an active market for those devices on eBay.

i'm just looking at jumping in to hubitat and lutron for a new home build in a few months, so i don't understand the discussion here as deeply as some longer time users. if i'm looking at caseta (pro bridge) and hubitat, is there anything in this 'death of telnet' i should be concerned with/reason to not get the bridge or consider automation in a different way?

From what I could gather in my searches the pro version of their bridges should retain telnet functionality.

Edit to add - I've got two brand new casetta bridges I was going tonuse in my new house then decided to go ra2.

One in unopened box. One in opened box still new

If interested message me we can work something out.