Low memory error C-5

Logged in to update a driver and saw the notification, low memory error show up.

@gopher.ny - Could this be from setting the ping to happen all the time? First time I seen this and it's been about 25+ days now since I turned that ping on

Reboot of the hub should clear it up.

Reboot did clear it, rather than the watchdog being the issue I actually wonder if the ambientweather device I have caused it. I added a lightning detector that was giving errors in the logs for the last 2 weeks. Just got this fixed last night so maybe that was the actual cause of the issue. We'll see what happens in a few weeks.

Would be my guess. Not sure how HE recovers from an error, but many times an error will isolate a small section of memory such that normal processing can’t reuse/recover it. Get enough of this fragmentation and it becomes difficult for the processor to find room to load a device or app instance.

Yes, each reconnect eats up some OS memory. Cursory search shows 1820 reconnects in your hub's logs since 5/20 (some since last reboot), so it added up over time.

In 2.2.8, there will be an alert if reconnects happen often, but in 2.2.7 they're invisible. Perhaps the logic needs a reconnect frequency parameter, right now it literally checks for a live connection every second, a very aggressive approach.

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Does a re-boot clear this memory on a C4? I get some error sometimes and the hub becomes slow on response.


I think a throttle mechanism or something to stretch out those pings other than every second would be a great addition to this or even a scenario where we can set scheduled automated reboots. Once a day, once a week, once a month etc.

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I'll give this a shot, it looks like I have to enable hub security first with username and login or should I just try without it?

I want to say I used to run it without security

Just tested it, worked like a champ! Setup for Sunday at 430a to reboot. Now the big question, is there chance to a monthly reboot or bi-weekly reboot? Just had to ask.. thanks for this..

Doesn't look like the app is coded for it, but it wouldn't be too hard to add an option to allow a user entered cron string, i.e. "0 30 4 15,30 * ? *" would schedule execution at 04:30:00am, on the 15th and 30th day, every month. (Good site to create the cron string:Free Online Cron Expression Generator and Describer - FreeFormatter.com)