Love it when things work exactly as planned

Had a switch go south on me, so I replaced it w/a new one. Then:

  1. Used Swap Apps Device (Settings>Swap Apps Device), and new switch repaced old in all my automations
  2. Hit Refresh on Z-Wave Details page for the old switch's entry, Remove appeared
  3. Hit Remove on Z-Wave details page for the old switch and it's gone

The ease and overall experience w/this kind of device change has improved so much. Happy happy joy joy.


Off to get my free warranty replacement for the old switch. [More :clap:ing ensues]


This feature is truly game changing. I'm always amazed when I need to use it, it works so well.

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Didn't realize it existed. Have to keep in touch more. But then, when everything is working and there is other stuff to do...


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