Lots of rules broken after

I also had some of these broken conditions and tiggers this AM on .119. I had done a swap apps device this AM after adding a replacement Zigbee device (replacing an existing device of the same type) and after the swap found both broken tiggers and conditions. No idea if the swap triggered them, or if they were already there. I deleted the broken triggers and conditions and things appear to be fine.

BTW - any update on my remaining broken rule? No rush, it's the weekend, but since you are here... :slight_smile:

Did you un-disable those actions?

Yes, had no effect, still shows "Broken."

Where is that in the rule? Is it still there?

Oh, is that from the Apps List?

That's in the apps list and top of the rule itself:

Try this:

Put all of the actions in that rule in the Clipboard using Copy column, and select Export Clipboard. Create a new rule, open its Actions, and import that clipboard, paste into the Actions. See if that one says Broken or not.

The new rule, with only Actions from the broken version, does not show broken.

Oh, and FWIW, a clone I had made of the rule did show Broken as well.

Interesting. Perhaps the label on the rule itself should provide more information. It used to be that the only thing detected were actions that had devices ripped out. Now it includes conditions used in actions and Required Expression, and triggers and waits.

That's to be expected. Clone copies everything.

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I'm still on 116 should I wait for 120 or is it okay to go to 119 now?

There's nothing wrong with 119. The Broken designation on rules is going to pick up some things it didn't before. But if a rule worked before, it will still work. @danabw's rule is an oddball -- but it still works. Only one I know of where it isn't obvious why it says Broken.

To the extent a rule ends up showing Broken Triggers or Broken Conditions that were invisible before those can simply be removed.


Would you email me an export of the old one.


You'll send me an email address or ? Got it, thanks.

It has a broken trigger that doesn't show on the main page. Open Triggers, you'll see it. Just remove it.

I will try to figure out why it didn't show on main page.

It used to have a trigger for 8:00 PM, but evidently that was partially removed. In next release a case like this would show this below, but not Broken in the rule name. Then opening the Trigger page you'd see the broken trigger.

Screenshot 2022-12-10 at 5.40.38 PM

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Nailed it.

After deletion:

Thanks very much. You are correct - before Required Expressions were available in RM the rule had a time-based trigger which I had removed. Updated UI sounds good.

Actually, on thinking about it further, that was really some weird abandoned trigger that RM didn't remove properly. There is some code that cleans out things like that, and this one should be cleaned out. Since I have your rule, it's easy for me to test this.


A post was split to a new topic: Problem with Sonos and Rule

Slightly off topic. i am just going through my RMs looking for and deleting any Broken Conditions that are present.

This RM did not have any Conditions set but still had one Broken Condition and the screen looks like this:

I delete the broken condition and this is the screen (as expected).

but on another RM with no conditions, I got this screen, without any option to Select capability for new Condition.

I am only adding it as a data point because on occasion when I have clicked on conditions to edit one, I only have the option to Select capability for new Condition, not to edit or delete until I select a capability and then Cancel the condition.

That last was most likely the result of some previous insult to the rule, such as only partially defining a condition and leaving the page mid-stream. Chasing down these sorts of anomalies is most likely a fool's errand.

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Understood. I was only trying to be constructive :wink: