Lost connection outside of LAN

Hi everyone. I'm having an issue connecting to my C5 HE over the internet. Here are the details.

  1. Up until a few days ago, everything was working just fine. The HE was plugged directly into the ISPs modem/router/AP combo device (Arris XB6).
  2. I wanted to upgrade my home network so I purchased and installed a Netgear GS348T Managed Pro switch. I rearranged the network to have the switch connected to the LAN port of my ISPs device and the Hubitat and Lutron pro hub connected to the switch. The Lutron hub is working just fine.
  3. After booting everything, I've lost the ability to connect to the HE using the app. I also can't check for updates to the HE firmware since it's not connecting outside of the LAN.
  4. I tried changing cables, ports and rebooting and updating everything. No improvement.
  5. I tried reverting to the old setup of the HE plugged direclty into the ISP device. rebooted everything. No improvement.
  6. I searched here and found the known issue with some Netgear equipment. (i wish I knew this 2 weeks ago.)I tried running YourHubIP/hub/advanced/network/lanautonegconfigenable from this thread, with no improvement. https://community.hubitat.com/t/c5-hub-lan-connection-issues-with-network-devices/30565
  7. I tried forcing the LAN port to 100 half duplex, no improvement.
  8. I've waited a few days, no improvement.
  9. Everything else connected to the switch is connecting to the internet as expected. I have not setup VLANs or other advances switching yet since I want to get this issue resolved first.
  10. I don't get notifications on my phone and any presence based triggers aren't working either. this is important to the setup I've got and what I'm planning for the near future.
  11. the logs show this every 10 mins:
    [dev:3]2020-10-23 12:55:38.305 [debug]refresh, calling parent poll
    It looks like it can't connect to My Ecobee.

Any ideas of how to solve this issue are most welcome.


Have you assigned an IP to the hub on your router?

yes. the IP is static. was the same before.

Hmm, guessing you tried 100 full as well?

no, I didn't. The posts I read before all talked about half. I'll try full now.

I tried, but when I try to force full duplex, the switch drops the link to the HE and it becomes unreachable. I set it back to auto and it's up on the LAN at 100 half. it's still not available outside the LAN though.

I also get this:

System Messages

Cloud connection is unavailable.

What ip's are showing if you connect your pc to the (1) switch and then (2) to the router directly?

I'll have to check a bit later, but I assume the PC will get an IP assigned from the ISP's device in either configuration, the range would be 10.0.0.xxx

Useful url for testing from your hub:


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Sounds like the subnet or subnet mask on the switch might be wrong compared to the routers lan subnet.

That's what I was thinking. Hopefully OP will confirm.

So I tried the things you guys suggested. The IP address for my computer didn't change and it has a connection to the internet either way. The tests at http://hubitat.local/hub/networkTest didn't reveal any problems. The hub was actually able to ping the internet too, which I didn't expect.

The subnet suggestions pointed me to the switch config. I ended up looking through the setup of the switch and noticed that it didn't have any DNS servers setup. I assumed that all the devices would get the DNS from the ISP device so I didn't add any DNS server info. I decided to try it and BAM...It worked!!

I now have full connectivity and can again control the lutron lights through Google and Hubitat. The App seems to be working again also.

This is why I love this community. I only really come here when I'm looking for ideas or when I need to fix a problem, but every time I do, I'm inspired. It's a great resource and I'm really glad it exists.

Thanks a lot to everyone here.