Lost all Z-Wave Radio Devices [C5 Model]

I tried replicating the above with a different device but did not work.

Finally got an answer from support this morning. They said it was because of custom code but failed to say which one. Their suggestions were to disable all apps, code, and do a soft reset. All of which did not work.

So it seems to be that the radio database or something similar on the hub is in some way broken.

Because, as I mentioned before when I added a device it got restored on the same device id. But I have now realized it did because that was the first device I ever added to the system. So just got lucky in that case.

When I tried again this evening. I factory reset a device. Tried to pair it into Hubitat and it did not take. So I set the hub to exclude mode, then set the device to exclude mode and it removed device A. However I was trying to remove device B.

I now set the hub and device to include and the device alerted of the inclusion, Hubitat did not. I then set Hubitat and the device to exclude and it alerted that device C was excluded.

What I am assuming has happen is that the device database, or at least the tables that contain device ID information have been reset. If it's set to zero or empty it would make sense why no device is displayed. Then by adding devices it's recycling IDs which are then match with devices that exist. So matching device A in the radio to device B in the devices page.

Now the question is how to fix it?

@bobbyD - HALP!

It would be helpful if we knew just what version firmware you were running.

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Currently on

Have you tried to replicate with earlier versions of firmware?

Yes, I have. So far the same issue persists in the following versions if tried:,,, and

Unfortunately I'm still waiting reply from support. They forwarded the ticket to another department and I cannot even reply to it to see if they are even looking at it.

I would love to work with them to try and find the root cause to prevent it from happening to anybody else. But it's been two weeks and I cannot wait anymore. I am going to be forced to reset my hub.

I am more disappointed in the lack of support from Hubitat than having to reset/pair and program all the devices again. A real shame.

Did you message @bobbyd to see if he could look up the ticket status, or if he had further suggestions as to what to do?

I finally got some more time to work on the issue. I have found a way to restore my devices.

  • Factory reset the device
  • Include the device again. Unfortunately this will make the device that has just been paired match up to an existing device configuration. So if I pair a device and it gets network id 01 and a device with network id 01 is already configured on the devices page then it will assume it. For example when I paired the front door switch it got assigned the garage door device.
  • On the device that gets "auto assigned" I edit the network id to something that doesn't exist and is unique. For example adding xx in front of it.
  • Go to the device page on the device it should belong to and replace the network id with the one I just grabbed.
  • Some devices don't grab the preferences right away, perhaps because they've been full on reset. So I edit the preferences to something random and then edit them back to my old settings.

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