A little background...
I swapped from SmartThings about a year ago and have been continiously expanding my Zigbee and Zwave footprint using Hubitat. The only SmartThings devices left in my home are the ADT SmartThings Security Panel and a few door sensors that are Zwave but only connect to the ADT system.
I've got the ADT SmartThings Panel integrated into Hubitat and I can do things like get notifications on my phone and speak notifications on my Google speakers when doors open.
My next home automation goal would be a fully fledged alarm system within Hubitat using it's Safety Monitor application. I've got the ADT SmartThings Panel and also picked up an Aotec Indoor Siren 6. I can't interact with the ADT SmartThings Panel from Safety Monitor and I'd like an actual keypad for the family to use like a normal security system.
Any suggestions on configuration changes to get a home alarm system working within Hubitat? I'm not opposed to ripping out the SmartThings ADT Panel and buying something new.