Looking for thoughts, ideas or help with passing control of devices from one app to another

Thanks for any 2 bits that get offered in advance..

I've been using Hubitat for awhile now (i started with the end of the C5, 2 C7's and just upgraded to the C8, love them all and as i upgrade other family members get upgraded, lol)

I haven't had time to play with things for awhile, and for the longest while everything worked relatively flawlessly so i didn't have to do much and i haven't really kept up wit hall the app changes. but as of few updates back things started to not work as they had. I'm sure (and i have found) many of the changes to be much tighter and better but i haven't kept up so I'm sure my issues are related to just not knowing, and i apologize. but I'm looking for some quick tips, thoughts or ideas..

  • I have a Room Lighting Rule that controls the kitchen lights on/off as people come and go and does this from 330am to 11 minutes before sunset - works great on its own

  • I have another Room Lighting Rule that controls the Livingroom lighting that turns them on/off based on occupancy and illuminance and that's from 830am to 11 minutes before sunset - works great on its own

  • I then have a RM that runs at 10 minutes to sunset turning on many of these lights and scenes and does various things like dim and turn off some lights off at certain times until about 1130pm - used to work great until some updates back. still works ok but often the kitchen or livingroom room lighting app get 'activated' but and stay on and because those app cant be turned off without also turning off the lights or between the hours set, they stay 'activated' and therefore don't run when people enter the rooms during their normal run times and don't seem to turn off because they were activated before and the app didn't 'know' that

  • I also have another Room Lighting Rule that at 1130pm to 230 am takes over certain lights in the livingroom and the kitchen lights dimmed active by motion (and maybe soon a presence monitor) in case we stay up later playing cards or watching TV and then in theory every is off by 230am cuz we are 99% of the time in bed by then (but not always)

and after these rules shut down they used to all reset and work fine the next day. But they haven't for a few updates and if i go around in the morning and turn off all the 'activated' Room Lighting rules they work fine until the next day.. i Think i get them figured out, another update comes out and they don't work again (not completely sure what corrected them, and i don't blame the updates as they just seem to give more and better controls) I'm sure its more that likely they way i set them up originally and they just didn't translate well. So any tips, thoughts or ideas to achieve these automations in a better and more future friendly way would be appreciated

If you posted some screenshots of the rules you are having trouble with, perhaps someone can offer some suggestions.

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Sorry its been a busy week and i finally get to come back here.
Well i was half hoping that someone would show, or give examples of a good or best way to do the above. Mine seem to need tweaking on hub updates as new features become available. but here are some screenshots of what i have been using

My Kitchen app for lights and motion depending on light level and motion and time of day

My livingroom app for similar

My Upstairs Evening Routine

My late night livingroom Kitchen routine

Thanks for taking a look and any thoughts