Looking for non-casetta multi-switch (two switches in one physical 1gang footprint) recommendations

Usecase: bathroom fan (or, most any fan) with an independently controllable light

I would love to find a single physical switch enclosure that has two built-in switches - one for fan on/off, and one for light on/off (maybe w/ dimming, but whatever). These exist all day long as dumb switches, but I have yet to find any with a brainbox.

Alternative, same form-factor, but without the fan control (just two light switches in a single enclosure)

Anybody have any bright ideas?

I’m assuming youre in the US, but I wired a Zooz Zen 52 to the following switch. Works great.

Definitely the Zooz Zen30 double switch. I had to use this for a recent remodel where my contractor didn’t use a large-enough box. It works great with dimmable recessed lights and recessed fan in the bathroom… and @jtp10181 has a great driver for it [along with many (all?) other Zooz devices].

Zooz is great IMO across the board. I recently “discovered” them and am working on switching out all of the junk UltraPro/Jasco/GE stuff I had been using.



Another :+1: for the Zooz Zen30! I use one for a ceiling fan; top button controls lights and bottom controls fan.


I am working on the driver for the KASA KS240dimming switch/fan single gang (US spec). This may be another option. I need a beta tester for the FAN child (dimmer child already tested). It would use the TAPO integration when finalized.
a. Dimming light switch
b. 4-speed fan switch.


If you clicked on @brad's link but didn't continue on to click the BUY HERE button on that page, you might have missed this:

The switch is still on sale right now as part of their 4th of July sale. Coincidentally, I got a promo email from them about it last night.

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