Looking for Light Relay advice/recommendations

I´m pondering to replace two relays with something smarter and connecting them to HE. One is used for lights in the stairs and the other one for lights in the hallway, all of them turned on by momentary rocker switches. As you can see by the pictures one is mounted on din rail and the second one is loosely attched and stuffed inside a electrical wire box (Italian wiring style...).

Any Suggestions would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Would something like this work?


How about a Zigbee relay?

Little update... I tried to add a Sonoff ZBMINIL2 in the hallway (finder relay type 26.01). I´added it behind one of the push buttons. It did work-ish... to turn on the lights I had to press the light buttons several times before it would actually turn on the lights. So I scrapped that.
I then tried to add the ZBMINIL2 to the stairs light button (15368 timer relay) but that left the lights constantly on. So I screpped that too.

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