Looking for ideas to automate a couple Christmas decorations

My wife has these two lanterns with a battery powered 3 candle LED array (three candles in one piece). Does anyibe have any suggestion how I could automate them with Zigbee or Zwave? Because pulling them down to turn them on and off is a pain.

I believe you need to use a Zigbee device that has a relay switch which would turn on/off the power to your lantern. I've used this device to power on a garage remote control, and it should work for your situation too. The only issue is that you'll need a power source to provide power to the Zigbee device. In my case, I used a mini USB-A cable connected to a USB power adapter plugged into an AC outlet. If you need more details, let me know.

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Well, three alkaline batteries generate approximately 4.5 volts. If you have a spare USB power supply it should have a 5 volt output which should work. You would have to cut off the tip of the power supply and use a voltmeter to determine which wire is positive and which is negative. Then you would have to remove the batteries and solder the wires to the battery pack terminals such that the polarity is correct. Do not attempt this unless you have the necessary tools and skills.

If you do this, you could use a Zigbee or Zwave plug to power the wallwart.

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Wow....have been looking for something like that for a LONG time...thank you!

Sounds like this might be the same idea, but a.lot less work.
But your suggestion did send me down the right path. I think.

Lenink AC Power Supply Adapter for AAA Battery,Replace 3 AAA Battery,Black https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0874HWL2L/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_AKR56P91NCSVSK2JKM5Q?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

That sounds great. It is similar to what I recommended, but avoids the soldering and the possibility of getting the polarity messed up.

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