Looking for ideas and advice on garage lights with motion sensor

So currently in my garage I have a Zooz Zen 18 motion sensor set up to turn on my Zooz Zen 26 switch when I'm in the garage. I realize that if I'm working on something and not moving around the light will turn off. So what I'd like to do if possible is see if I can make a combination of taps bypass the sensor and do the same to reset back?


Sorry, I don't understand what you mean here.

In my case I used and Inovelli Switch with Scene Control to Set the state of the Virtual Switch called Disable Garage Motion

Motion App

Virtual Device

Example Scene

Button Device That Activates the Scenes Inovelli Red Switch
Double Tap Up = Scene ON
Double Tap Down = Scene OFF

Ah, gotcha. Since I already have node-red running for motion lighting, among other things, I'd add a Gate node that is opened/closed by a button or presence device in your case.

I use the Aeotec nano switches, including for my garage lights, and I think flipping the standard wall switch overrides the digital input but now that I think about it I haven't tested this. I better do that. :thinking:

I'm sorry to not address your method but maybe I've sparked a thought?

Zooz has a feature they call smart taps

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Sweet. I opted for the Aeotec because the regular old mechanical switch is still there and looks/operates the same as always. It minimizes the "adjustment" that others have to learn.

If you use @bcopeland https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-advanced-zooz-zen27-zen26-central-scene-dimmer-and-switch-drivers/38990 driver, the button taps will be used to activate different buttons presses. there are 8 buttons available depending on the number of taps.

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I believe with the Zen26 you should be able to enable the scene control and use double taps to control the scenes much like in my example above.. "Buttons" would have different name when setting them up..

Per Zooz Website it states " NEW IN VER. 2.0: Scene Control (select hubs only), more advanced settings"

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I have 4 motion sensors in my garage, one in each corner. I use them to create a "motion zone". If any of the 4 see motion the lights stay on. If I'm in the garage odds are 1 of the 4 will see motion within the 5 minutes I've set before the lights go off in my garage.

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Similar to above, I created a "double tap" virtual switch.

I use a Simple Automations app to set the virtual switch to on when I double tap up, and another SA to turn off the virtual switch with double tap down.

You can then use the state of the virtual switch to hold the original light on.

Just to close out what I opened, I was wrong and it doesn't work. So this topic has suddenly taken on new meaning for me. :grin:

Any thoughts on limits for lighting watts going through these switches with scenes available? While everything in my garage is LED, I so have a few of those bright multi spots in there, probably over 100 watts LED total.

Also, arre there motion sensors that run off of a plug? I feel the battery ones will die pretty quick in the cold weather here in MN.

I have a old motion switch in there that works well 95% of the time. As another poster mentioned above, when working in the garage and having to wave my hands every 5 min to turn lights back on is now time to adjust.