Looking for compact 3-phase din rail contactor


I have a hard time finding a good compact din-rail mounted 3-phase contactor/switch. I need it to withstand minimum 16 A.
If not compact in size at least a 3-unit wide one would be an option.
I'm running with the C7 hub and have most devices on Zigbee but any solution proposal is welcome.
Anyone having a good din-rail mounted 16 A relay that you can recommend?
Thanks in advance.

Maybe https://moeshouse.com/products/smart-zigbee-circuit-breaker?currency=USD&variant=39687349567569&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=b5498fdce93a&utm_source=google02&utm_medium=cpc&network=x&keyword=&campaignid=20418884134&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiArrCvBhCNARIsAOkAGcX_zJC6ePa4Lt44SgYPyKGSzdYqSqa0PpVfqyLGTKrx_B7Kb7Vpq80aAj5YEALw_wcB

I would consider buying a standard off-the-shelf contactor and then just use a basic zigbee or zwave switch/relay to energize the coil. Lots more options this way, and likely better quality ones. Here's one with an 18A rating and 120VAC coil...


Thanks for suggestions. I've been considering normal 3x400VAC contactor with 230 VAC coil my problem is that my cabinet is so stuffed so therefore I'm looking for some more integrated.
I've been looking at Shelly products but I haven't yet used any devices using WiFi with Hubitat. Hence I'm a bit hesitant on how much of work and studying it will be to integrate.

You can look at these Tuya-based circuit breakers too :