Looking for a "Virtual Notification Driver" or a hint how to write one

I'm looking for a driver having the capability "Notification" but instead of sending text somewhere it turns on/off a light or some other device.

My goal is to be able to use existing apps that employ notification, where the only Notification device I've found is for Twilio. I use Twilio but I don't need a text message if a battery is low or other similar low level notification. For me an RGB bulb going on a certain color would be great.

If nothing is available I was going to try and write a driver using the "Notification" capability text to trigger a device.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.



I don't have one of those, but it is an interesting idea. Wouldn't be hard to make at all.

For you maybe, I've not been able to get my head around groovy and I'm not a programmer but can get by with simple non structured code (i.e. C ).

Anyway if you could get me started with some of the important code I would appreciate it.


Unless you're wedded to having this virtual notification capability in lots of apps, this (battery low, door unlocked, window open, rain coming, etc., => Bulb red) would be really simple to do in the Event Engine app.

Check PM
