I really would like to install a smart-lock on my front door that is compatible with Hubitat but there is one caveat that I require due to my wife's paranoia. The lock must also be protected from the inside and maybe someone has a solution for me. Here is a picture of my door from inside the house:
As you can see from the picture, the front door lock as a dead-bolt key on both the inside and outside of the door. The reason being, wifey is afraid that someone can break one of the side windows then reach inside to unlock the door. And as you might have suspected, for us to open the front door from inside the house, we must have the key to unlock the door from the inside. It's not terrible because we rarely use the front door. But I would really like to replace this with something easier but also prevent someone from doing what the wife fears. Any suggestions (besides finding a new wife) ? Thanks!!!
Perhaps my memory's off or this has all changed, but I'm pretty sure that kind of setup is not legal from a safety standpoint -- IOW, during a fire etc, a door cannot be locked by key like that for egress purposes. If your insurance company ever had a reason to see this, I don't think they'd be pleased.
I'm all but certain you're not going to find a (reputable) hardware solution for this.
Quick note: a “double cylinder” deadbolt on an egress door is a violation of most locality's fire codes, and depending on your location, may even be illegal.
Oh I agree, it's not the safest idea via a fire, etc... But I live in the boonies... very rural area. Not concerned about any laws in my rinky-dinky town...
Because it is illegal in most areas, there are no commercial smart locks that are like this. I don't believe you will find anything like this in a smart lock.
Right on -- but because it's not legal in most places, no reputable manufacturer is going to touch a setup like this.
So if you do find something (AliExpress or wherever else), I'd be extremely sus of its integrity and reliability -- you're just trading one risk for another (bigger) one.
What are you doing on any of the other ground floor windows that could easily be broken for illegal entry. At some point, if someone really wants to get into one's house, the number of ways are endless.
I agree with your wife, piece of mind, but in reality, even a front door can be kicked in with a dead bolt.
My recommendation, replace the slide glass panels with a new front door for elimination of her fears.
That's the #1 method of home invasion in San Antonio where I live. Any standard door frame (not metal reinforced ones) can be kicked in with just 1-2 kicks. Especially all of the doors around here that the entire middle is decorative glass.
I hear what you are all saying...and I don't disagree... but I'm not necessarily trying to duplicate what I have now. I'm trying to find a solution so that it's not such a security issue from both the wife and maybe any legal code. I've looked for a while and came up with nothing, so I'm taking a "hail-Mary" and hoping someone here might have an idea that I haven't even considered.
You won't find a smart lock with a dual cyclinder anywhere as it's illegal in most areas. (Lets say there is a fire and you can't find the key to the front door, you're gonna die). Boonies or not it's dangerous.
Unless I'm missing something, that doesn't solve my problem with the wife. With that product, it appears to me someone could still break the side glass, reach in and turn the knob to open the door. Maybe if I could take that knob on/off... that would be a solution.
I'm not looking for a dual cylinder... I'm looking for a new smart lock solution that would also prevent someone from breaking the glass window on the side of the door, reach in and simply unlock the door.
Which knob?
This is buried in smart dead bolt. Whatever you install outside is all yours. But as many other people said it is near illegal installation. The best solution is to replace the entire front door and make it impossible to brake something and reach the lock, etc. This will not be cheap but you and your wife will have a good sleep warring less abut potential brake in (still is not 1005% guaranteed).
I'm not sure why you think replacing the door would even be necessary. I can easily change that lock, the problem isn't the door. It's those 2 side windows and I really don't want to remove them if I don't have too.
As suggested by @vitaliy_kh, I can confirm that the Level deadbolt will work with a double-cylinder lock. This is not a configuration that I would recommend, or that Level supports, but it will work.
When installed, your door and lock will look exactly as it currently does, with a requirement for a key on both sides.
OH... I had to re-watch the video on Level deadbolt @vitaliy_kh to understand that solution... yes, that actually might be a workable solution. Thank you and thank you @vitaliy_kh ... sorry I didn't see (fully understand) what you were showing me.
I know not what you are asking for but this is my "dumb" solution to similar situation. Even if they were to break the small side window and unlock the door, they're not coming in.
I use a " UHPPOTE Electric Strike Door Lock Fail-Secure" with a " UHPPOTE Door Access Control Power Supply" and a Zooz multirelay. You will need to be able to make room in your strike side jamb for the new strike so that may be a problem. This solution means you will have to run wires, but does not require that you change the lockset or the deadbolt.
I have installed many locksets like yours for the reason your wife states. I recommend placing a spare key near the door for emergency use. Hang it a few feet away and make it easy to find/access. I have had customers who leave the key in the lock durring the day and remove it at night to reap both benefits.
Another solution is to replace the glass on the strike side with safety glass or cover the glass with plexiglass or metal screen, and use a door security bar.
If your wife finds out how easy it is to kick in a door she'll never sleep again.
Make sure you read most of the pros/cons feedback on this unit, which seemed to indicate some nagging issues with obtaining stable connectivity, and lack of customer support when you try to troubleshoot issues. Also, app control is unreliable and many say the fit is poor, with the strike plate being too large to fit into the holes already in the door.
Good thing about Amazon, is you can try it for 30 days, and ship it back if it does not meet your expectations.