Last year I bought a portable AC for my place, Danby 12,000 SACC 3-in-1 Inverter Portable Air Conditioner in Black (Model #DPA120B9IBDB-6)
I believe it is a rebranded Midea or something like that. It has an app with control, as well as an IR remote.
Anyone happen to know if these Danby/Midea can be controlled locally? I imagine a smart plug is NOT the solution here, as I wouldn't want to disrupt the condenser/evaporator running or anything like that, but would certainly like to have more automated control around the temperature control around my schedule and not just a set rigid schedule within the app or something.
If it has the same guts under the hood, maybe it will work. I'd recommend trying the midea-discover step that I mention in my readme on GitHub. If that discovers your unit, then maybe my integration is worth a try.