
So why can I not see when a rules action happens???

You turned these on?


I should of been more specific.

When you click on the gear of the rule and then on to events. Will it show this info there too?

It's in a much more verbose format. So yes it will, but not in the same format. You'll find the logs are more readable at a glance. What is it you're trying to see or accomplish?


By the way, if you click this reply button, I don't get notified of your post unless you @ mention me in the post.

But of you click this reply button, I am notified.

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The action kicking off.

Yes, that's what that is. Last Event is the Action for that RM rule. As well as the previous action.

If you want it to actually be labelled Action, then the first example of the logs is what you need to look at after turning on logging in the rule.