Logitech Harmony Home Control button access modified community code

This has been mentioned in Dan's (@ogiewon) main Harmony code thread and a couple of people have asked me for copies of the code, so I thought I'd post it here so anyone that wants to try it can. Note I am not using this method anymore (I use a Raspberry Pi running Home Assistant to interface with Harmony Home Control now using a virtual Hue hub) so I am not in position to test or debug, but it was working fine when I last used it.

To set this up you need to have a Hue scene or bulb assigned to the home control buttons in your Harmony set up. This can be a scene if your remote is an Elite or individual bulbs if it is anything else. You do need to have a spare Hue bulb/bulbs that will only be used for this. If using an Elite and scenes it is easy to create 4 dummy scenes using the same spare bulb just with different names, but with any other remote you need a spare bulb per home control button you want to access. I had the spares in the loft so it didn't disturb anyone with them coming on. I also had a rule in HE that turned them of as soon as they came on.

Load up the driver, set it up in the normal way and turn on logging.

Then you just need to have a live log window open and you will see the code you get when you press each Home Control button. Copy each scene or bulb code string to the relevant place in my Generic code and you will then get a button press from the Harmony Device in Hubitat that can do anything a button can do.

Just to note that Dan has updated the original code since I modified it for this, so the latest features that he has added such as volume control are not currently in my code. It shouldn't be hard to copy my bit into his latest version if you want to.

 *  File: Logitech-Harmony-Hub-Parent.groovy
 *  Platform: Hubitat
 *  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ogiewon/Hubitat/master/Drivers/logitech-harmony-hub-parent.src/logitech-harmony-hub-parent.groovy
 *  Requirements:
 *     1) Logitech Harmony Home Hub connected to same LAN as your Hubitat Hub.  Use router
 *        DHCP Reservation to prevent IP address from changing.
 *     2) HubDuino "Child Switch" Driver is also necessary.  This is available
 *        at https://github.com/DanielOgorchock/ST_Anything/tree/master/HubDuino/Drivers
 *  Copyright 2018 Dan G Ogorchock 
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 *  Change History:
 *    Date        Who            What
 *    ----        ---            ----
 *    2018-12-25  Dan Ogorchock  Original Creation
 *    2018-12-27  Dan Ogorchock  Fixes to correct hub reboot issue
 *    2019-01-04  Dan Ogorchock  Faster updates to Child Switch Devices to prevent Alexa "Device is not repsonding" message
 *    2019-01-07  Dan Ogorchock  Changed log.warn to log.info for unhandled data from harmony hub
 *    2019-01-12  Geoff Tyler	 Added PushableButton & ReleasableButton capability and code to trap Home Control Button presses on Elite/Companion remotes and convert to Hubitat button presses 
 *				Button presses 1-4 are for scene allocated buttons (Elite only) and 5-8 are for single bulb allocated buttons 

def version() {"v0.1.20190112b"}

import hubitat.helper.InterfaceUtils

metadata {
    definition (name: "Logitech Harmony Hub Parent", namespace: "ogiewon", author: "Dan Ogorchock") {
        capability "Initialize"
        capability "Refresh"
	capability "PushableButton"
	//command "sendMsg", ["String"]
        //command "getConfig"
        //command "startActivity", ["String"]
        //command "stopActivity"
        command "getCurrentActivity"
        attribute "numberOfButtons", "number"
        attribute "Activity","String"
			attribute "data", "string"

preferences {
    input("ip", "text", title: "IP Address", description: "IP Address", required: true)
    input name: "logEnable", type: "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: true

def parse(String description) {
    //log.debug "parsed $description"
    def json = null;
        json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(description)
        //log.debug "${json}"    
        if(json == null){
            log.warn "String description not parsed"
    }  catch(e) {
        log.error("Failed to parse json e = ${e}")
    //def results = []
    //Retrieves the Harmony device configuration, including all Activity Names and IDs
    if (json?.cmd == "vnd.logitech.harmony/vnd.logitech.harmony.engine?config") {
        if (json?.msg == "OK") {
            json?.data?.activity?.each { it ->
                def tempID = (it.id == "-1") ? "PowerOff" : "${it.id}"                    
                if (logEnable) log.debug "Activity Label: ${it.label}, ID: ${tempID}"
                //Create a Child Switch Device for each Activity if needed, default all of them to 'off' for now
                updateChild(tempID, "unknown", it.label)
        } else {
            log.error "Received msg = '${json?.msg}' and code = '${json?.code}' from Harmony Hub"
    //Retrieves the Harmony Start Activity Finished event
    else if (json?.type == "harmony.engine?startActivityFinished") {
        if ((json?.data?.errorString == "OK") && (json?.data?.errorCode == "200")) {
            if (logEnable) log.debug "Harmony Activity Started - activityID: ${json?.data?.activityId}"

// GT added code lines below to trap home control button presses which must be assigned to a scene in Harmony. Copy scene id string from logs when the relevant button is pressed
// Note this part of the code only works if a scene is assigned to the buttons which is only possible on Elite remotes. For single bulb assigned buttons see further down for code.

if (json?.data?.activityId == "hueScene-WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW") {
		log.info "Bulb 1 button pressed"
		sendEvent(name:"pushed", value: 1, descriptionText: "Bulb Button 1 was pressed", isStateChange: true)
if (json?.data?.activityId == "hueScene-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX") {
		log.info "Bulb 2 button pressed"
		sendEvent(name:"pushed", value: 2, descriptionText: "Bulb Button 2 was pressed", isStateChange: true)
if (json?.data?.activityId == "hueScene-YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY") {
		log.info "Socket 1 button pressed"
		sendEvent(name:"pushed", value: 3, descriptionText: "Socket Button 1 was pressed", isStateChange: true)
if (json?.data?.activityId == "hueScene-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ") {
		log.info "Socket 2 button pressed"
		sendEvent(name:"pushed", value: 4, descriptionText: "Socket Button 2 was pressed", isStateChange: true)
// End of GT added lines

        } else {
            log.error "Received errorString = '${json?.data?.errorString}' and errorCode = '${json?.data?.errorCode}' from Harmony Hub"
    //Retrieves changes to activities as they happen.  Status = 1 is the start of a change.  Status = 2 is the end of the change.  
    else if (json?.type == "connect.stateDigest?notify") {
        if (logEnable) log.debug "Harmony Activity Digest - activityID: ${json?.data?.activityId}, runningActivityList: ${json?.data?.runningActivityList}, activityStatus: ${json?.data?.activityStatus}"

        if (json?.data?.activityStatus == 1) {
    // ????
    else if (json?.cmd == "vnd.logitech.connect/vnd.logitech.statedigest?get") {
        if ((json?.msg == "OK") && (json?.code == 200)) {
            if (logEnable) log.debug "Harmony Activity Stated Digest - activityID: ${json?.data?.activityId}, runningActivityList: ${json?.data?.runningActivityList}, activityStatus: ${json?.data?.activityStatus}"   

            //TODO - ????

        } else {
            log.error "Received msg = '${json?.msg}' and code = '${json?.code}' from Harmony Hub"
    //Retrieves the current activity on demand
    else if (json?.cmd == "vnd.logitech.harmony/vnd.logitech.harmony.engine?getCurrentActivity") {
        if ((json?.msg == "OK") && (json?.code == 200)) {
            if (logEnable) log.debug "Current Harmony Activity result: ${json?.data?.result}"

        } else {
            log.error "Received msg = '${json?.msg}' and code = '${json?.code}' from Harmony Hub"
    else {
        if ((json?.cmd != "harmony.engine?startActivity") && (json?.cmd != "harmony.activityengine?runactivity")) {
//           log.info "Unhandled data from Harmony Hub. json = ${description}"
// GT added lines to catch home control single bulb on button press replace hue string with relevant string from logs
if ((description.contains("hue-00:17:88:01:04:66:6b:9e-WW")) && (description.contains('"on":true'))) {
					log.info "Bulb Button 1 was pressed "
		sendEvent(name:"pushed", value: 5, descriptionText: "Bulb Button 1 was pressed", isStateChange: true)
if ((description.contains("hue-00:17:88:01:04:66:6b:9e-XX")) && (description.contains('"on":true'))) {
					log.info "Bulb Button 2 was pressed "
		sendEvent(name:"pushed", value: 6, descriptionText: "Bulb Button 2 was pressed", isStateChange: true)

if ((description.contains("hue-00:17:88:01:04:66:6b:9e-YY")) && (description.contains('"on":true'))) {
					log.info "Socket Button 1 was pressed"
		sendEvent(name:"pushed", value: 7, descriptionText: "Socket Button 1 was pressed", isStateChange: true)
			if ((description.contains("hue-00:17:88:01:04:66:6b:9e-ZZ")) && (description.contains('"on":true'))) {
					log.info "Socket Button 2 was pressed "
		sendEvent(name:"pushed", value: 8, descriptionText: "Socket Button 2 was pressed", isStateChange: true)

    //return results

def updateChildren(String ActivityID) {
    //Switch Child Device States based on the return value.  If "-1" turn off all child activity devices
    def tempID = (ActivityID == "-1") ? "PowerOff" : ActivityID
    try {
        childDevices.each{ it ->
            def childDNI = it.deviceNetworkId.split("-")[-1]
            if(childDNI == "${tempID}")
                updateChild(childDNI, "on")
                sendEvent(name: "Activity", value: "${it.name}", isStateChange: true)
            else {
                updateChild(childDNI, "off")    
    catch(e) {
        log.error "Failed to find child without exception: ${e}";

def logsOff(){
    log.warn "debug logging disabled..."

def refresh() {
    log.info "refresh() called"
    //Retrieve Harmony Hub Configuration Data to create Activities
    //Get the current activity to make sure the child devices are synched with the harmony hub

def installed() {
    log.info "installed() called"

def updated() {
    log.info "updated() called"
    //Unschedule any existing schedules
    //Create a 30 minute timer for debug logging
    if (logEnable) runIn(1800,logsOff)
    //Connect the webSocket
    //Retrieve Harmony Hub Configuration Data to create Activities
    //Get the current activity to make sure the child devices are synched with the harmony hub

def initialize() {
    state.version = version()
    log.info "initialize() called"

// GT added the line below to initialise the number of buttons (only 4 used at present as the +/- don't work on scenes)
    sendEvent(name: "numberOfButtons", value: 8, displayed: true)

    if (!ip) {
        log.warn "Harmony Hub IP Address not configured yet"
    if (state.remoteId == null) {
        httpPost(uri: "http://${ip}:8088",
                 path: '/',
                 contentType: 'application/json',
                 requestContentType: 'application/json',
                 //Logitech changed webSockets interface in 4.15.250.  Updated Origin and body cmd.
                 headers: ['Origin': 'http://sl.dhg.myharmony.com'],
                 body: '{"id": 1, "cmd": "setup.account?getProvisionInfo", "params": {}}'
                ) { response ->
             //activeRemoteId is the new property name instead of just remoteId.
             log.debug "hub remote id: ${response.data.data.activeRemoteId}"
             state.remoteId = response.data.data.activeRemoteId

/*    Original code for users on older firmware - need to make more elegant DGO 2019-02-20
    //Make sure we know the remoteId of the Harmony Hub
    if (state.remoteId == null) {
        httpPost(uri: "http://${ip}:8088",
                 path: '/',
                 contentType: 'application/json',
                 requestContentType: 'application/json',
                 headers: ['Origin': 'http//:localhost.nebula.myharmony.com'],
                 body: '{"id": 124, "cmd": "connect.discoveryinfo?get", "params": {}}'
                ) { response ->
            log.debug "hub remote id: ${response.data.data.remoteId}"
            state.remoteId = response.data.data.remoteId
    //Connect the webSocket to the Harmony Hub
    try {
        InterfaceUtils.webSocketConnect(device, "ws://${ip}:8088/?domain=svcs.myharmony.com&hubId=${state.remoteId}")
    catch(e) {
        if (logEnable) log.debug "initialize error: ${e.message}"
        log.error "WebSocket connect failed"

def getConfig() {
    if(!state.remoteId) return
    //Not sure what this is used for
    //sendMsg('{"hubId":"' + state.remoteId + '","timeout":30,"hbus":{"cmd":"vnd.logitech.connect/vnd.logitech.deviceinfo?get","id":"0","params":{"verb":"get"}}}')   
    //Refresh current status - Using getCurrentActivity instead
    //sendMsg('{"hubId":"' + state.remoteId + '","timeout":30,"hbus":{"cmd":"vnd.logitech.connect/vnd.logitech.statedigest?get","id":"0","params":{"verb":"get","format":"json"}}}')
    //Get Activities and a whole lot more data from the Harmony Hub
    sendMsg('{"hubId":"' + state.remoteId + '","timeout":60,"hbus":{"cmd":"vnd.logitech.harmony/vnd.logitech.harmony.engine?config","id":"0","params":{"verb":"get"}}}')

def startActivity(String activityID) {
    if(!state.remoteId) return
    sendMsg('{"hubId":"' + state.remoteId + '","timeout":30,"hbus":{"cmd":"harmony.activityengine?runactivity","id":"0","params":{"async": "true","timestamp": 0,"args": {"rule": "start"},"activityId": "' + activityID + '"}}}')

def stopActivity() {
    if(!state.remoteId) return
    log.debug "stopActivity() called..."

def getCurrentActivity() {
    if(!state.remoteId) return
    sendMsg('{"hubId":"' + state.remoteId + '","timeout":30,"hbus":{"cmd":"vnd.logitech.harmony/vnd.logitech.harmony.engine?getCurrentActivity","id":"0","params":{"verb": "get","format": "json"}}}')

def sendMsg(String s) {
    InterfaceUtils.sendWebSocketMessage(device, s)

//sendData() is called from the Child Devices to start/stop activities
def sendData(message) {
    if (message.contains(" ")) {
        def parts = message.split(" ")
        def name  = parts.length>0?parts[0].trim():null
        def value = parts.length>0?parts[1].trim():null
        if ((name == "PowerOff") || (value == "off")) {
            //If the PowerOff Activity (-1), or any Activity is asked to turn off, call stopActivity
        else {
            //Otherwise, call startActivity for the activityId of the child device that called us
            def activityId = (name == "PowerOff") ? "-1" : "${name}"

def webSocketStatus(String status){
    log.debug "webSocketStatus- ${status}"

    if(status.startsWith('failure: ')) {
        log.warn("failure message from web socket ${status}")
    else if(status == 'status: open') {
        log.info "websocket is open"
        // success! reset reconnect delay
        state.reconnectDelay = 1
    else if (status == "status: closing"){
        log.warn "WebSocket connection closing."
    else {
        log.warn "WebSocket error, reconnecting."

def reconnectWebSocket() {
    // first delay is 2 seconds, doubles every time
    state.reconnectDelay = (state.reconnectDelay ?: 1) * 2
    // don't let delay get too crazy, max it out at 10 minutes
    if(state.reconnectDelay > 600) state.reconnectDelay = 600

    //If the Harmony Hub is offline, give it some time before trying to reconnect
    runIn(state.reconnectDelay, initialize)

def updateChild(String activityId, String value, String activityName = null) {
    //Try to find existing child device
    def child = getChild(activityId)

    //If child does not exist, create it
    if(child == null) {
        if (activityName != null) {
            if (logEnable) log.debug "child with activityId = ${activityId}, activityName = ${activityName}  does not exist."
            def childType = "Child Switch"
            createChildDevice(activityId, activityName, childType)
            child = getChild(activityId)
        else {
            log.error "Cannot create child device for ${activityId} due to missing 'activityName'"
    else {
        //log.trace "child with activityId=${activityId} exists already."

    //If we have a valid child device and a valid value, update its attributes
    if((child != null) && (value != "unknown")) {
        try {
            if (logEnable) log.debug "Calling child.parse for Activity '${child.label}' with 'switch ${value}'"
            child.parse("switch ${value}")
        catch(e) {
            log.error("Child parse call failed: ${e}")

private def getChild(String activityId)
    //if (logEnable) log.debug "Searching for child device with network id: ${device.deviceNetworkId}-${activityId}"
    def result = null
    try {
        childDevices.each{ it ->
            //log.debug "child: ${it.deviceNetworkId}"
            if(it.deviceNetworkId == "${device.deviceNetworkId}-${activityId}")
                result = it;
        return result;
    catch(e) {
        log.error "Failed to find child without exception: ${e}";
        return null;

private void createChildDevice(String activityId, String activityName, String type) {
    log.trace "Attempting to create child with activityId = ${activityId}, activityName = ${activityName}, type = ${type}"
    try {
        addChildDevice("${type}", "${device.deviceNetworkId}-${activityId}",
            [label: "${device.displayName}-${activityName}", 
             isComponent: false, name: "${activityName}"])
        log.trace "Created child device with network id: ${device.deviceNetworkId}-${activityId}"
    catch(e) {
        log.error "Failed to create child device with error = ${e}"


i followed the instructions for the home controls here

but when i press the button, my logs show

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method div() on null object on line 206 (parse)

and nothing happens. the button presses are programmed in Button Manager to do basic light toggles, and activate 1 scene. Any help? thanks so much.

Do you have anything linked to the buttons in your Harmony set up? You need this for the system to work.

Yes, I have a virtual switch assigned to each button. In smart things I have "button1", "button2" etc. One for each button.

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