Lock Code Manager error on adding user -- Cannot get property 'user' on null object on line 456

Model: C-5

When I add a new user and lock code using Lock Code Manager, I receive back the error page with this error:

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'user' on null object on line 456 (codeManagement)

However, the operation does appear to succeed according to the logs. The failure seems to happen in the code which retrieves all codes prior to making the change, as shown below:

app:342020-03-07 08:10:09.760 pm infogetNameUsage- result:[]
app:342020-03-07 08:10:09.756 pm debuggetNameUsage- lockCodes:[[did:486, code:--, name:Jo, codeNumber:1, codeState:e, codeOption:e], [did:486, code:--, name:, codeNumber:2, codeState:e, codeOption:e], [did:422, code:--, name:Jo, codeNumber:1, codeState:e, codeOption:e], [did:357, snip
app:342020-03-07 08:10:09.737 pm errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'user' on null object on line 456 (codeManagement)
app:342020-03-07 08:10:09.714 pm infogetLockCodesFromDevices- complete
app:342020-03-07 08:10:09.272 pm debuggetLockCodesFromDevices- lockCode:1={code=--, name=Jo}
app:342020-03-07 08:10:09.268 pm tracegetLockCodesFromDevices- device:Deadbolt - Kitchen
app:342020-03-07 08:10:09.251 pm debuggetLockCodesFromDevices- lockCode:2={code=
--, name=}
app:342020-03-07 08:10:09.247 pm debuggetLockCodesFromDevices- lockCode:1={code=
, name=Jo}
app:342020-03-07 08:10:09.217 pm tracegetLockCodesFromDevices- device:Deadbolt - Kitchen
app:342020-03-07 08:10:09.213 pm tracegetLockCodesFromDevices- device:Deadbolt - Front

I sent a complete unredacted log to support email regarding this.

Is your firmware up to date? There was a recent bug fixed with the latest firmware.

Which firmware? Hubitat is as quoted above:

The locks involved are 4 years apart in firmware. I asked about how to decode the firmware written on the label in another thread and didn't get an answer. The unit I was trying to add a person to at the time says 0.10.8... but it queries all devices managed by Lock Manager right before the error is shown, so potentially any of them could be a problem?

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