Lock Code Manager: Always Deleting Users set up for Start / End date activation

Hi - I have had this issue happen numerous times with Lock Code Manager now.

When I update an exiting deactivated user to become Enabled / Disabled based on date and time, the user always gets deleted when the code is supposed to become activated.

How do I get this resolved?

Ill have a look into this.


Thanks, Mike - It just happened on my lock again - Two user codes were just deleted when I set them up to enable/disable about 15 minutes ago.

Is it possible that a character in the user's name may be affecting what is going on? I have parenthesis "( )" in the user names for which dog sitter we have enabled.

no its not the name

Hi, @mike.maxwell - Is there anything I can send to you from the logs? I had the logs set to "Verbose" before I set up the two users to become active upon the date/time.

Thanks but i am able to reproduce the issue


Hi, Mike - Any updates on the investigation?

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Hi, Mike - I saw this issue reoccur last night.

What platform version is your hub on?

I thought @mike.maxwell fixed it a while back?

I thought @mike.maxwell fixed it too - it did seem to be working properly for a while, but the last two times I did a re-enable of an existing user with Enable/Disable dates, that user was again getting deleted on the day of reactivation.

I am not sure what platform version I was on last night when it happened (it was a pretty recent version, previously updated around 2024-03-05 or so). After this issue reoccurred, I updated to the latest platform version last night, which is now v2.3.8.139.