Litter box warning 🚦

Very cool. Glad to see fellow cat owners in the group :slight_smile:

The other day my wife asked if we could automate locking of the SurePet connect cat flap. I found a Smartthings DTH, but having issues adapting it to Hubitat.

Anyone here that also happens to own a SurePet flap ?

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For anyone who cares, I think I got this device ported over. Once @Kulfsson confirms everything is working this weekend I'll get it out there for everyone


Is that "like" your way of saying you think it's good to go? :slight_smile:

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Yes, indeed. No issues on my end and it seems to work a charm :slight_smile:

Thank you for the great work on porting the app and making it work with the HE.


@dman2306 the Litter Robot has has a weight sensor, is the weight of the cat in the box exposed as an event? we have 3 cats each distinctly different weights, If the cat's weight were an event I'd be able to track each cat seperately, and possibly graph each cat's usage with Hubigraph.

One of our cats has had some urinary issues so knowing if he's using the litter box a lot more or a lot less would be a good early indicator that something is wrong.

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I'll try to look. I didn't actually write the integration, it's just a port from an ST integration. I'll add it to my list to see if there is a way to get that. Unfortunately Litter Robot doesn't document anything.

As a note, a small project I'm working on you might be interested in, I plan to shove a contact sensor inside the drawer that when I pull the drawer out for more than 30 seconds (meaning I wasn't just peeking in to see if it was truly full), it will reset the drawer gauge automatically. I don't know why with all the fancy sensors in this thing they didn't do that :slight_smile:

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Thanks! Doesn’t the DFI state change when the drawer is open? Do you need a separate sensor or could you just use the DFI state?

Hmm great question. I’ll have to check

There's actually a pill you can give cats so they never poop again. Actually, any medication in sufficient quantities has the same effect.

Thanks for posting this. My wife purchased a Litter Maid which is not near as fancy. These posts inspired me to add a contact sensor today to the Litter Maid. I used Rule Machine with a Global Variable to count how many times the cleaning arm has been activated. Now we will just monitor and then add logic.


I LOVE my litter robot. Ye, it's expensive, but soooo worth it. Even without HE integration. I now have mine set up to announce "The cat has pooped" on a couple of echos.

I would just love to watch you explaining to a visitor why you want an announcement when your cat poops.



It has led to some interesting conversations about going overboard with home automation.


Does the accuracy of the drawer level depend on the person who last changed the litter box properly resetting the capacity gauge in the app? I always forget to do that. I know there is some sort of sensor that detects when the level of the waste reaches the top of the bin - is that accessible from the device driver?

Yes it does.

No kidding. That's the annoying thing... the "fuel gauge" is only as good as the person who resets it. In my case, I am the point of failure.

Dominick (@dman2306), thanks for your great port of the Litter Robot driver, and Jared (@jared.zimmerman), thanks for your inspired litter warning light signals. My wife gave me a Litter Robot for Christmas today, I hooked it up with Dominick’s driver and a rule triggered off changes in the Litter Robot’s cycle count, set up the under-counter lights in the bathrooms to cycle like a stoplight based on fill level, and it works great! The cats are impressed and so is my wife. Wow, the Litter Robot is HUGE.

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Glad it works. Unfortunately one of my cats decided she’d prefer to do her business right in front of the litter robot so while I think it’s a terrific device, it hasn’t worked so great for me!

My father (long-term dog lover):

"Anyone who owns a cat gets what they deserve."


He does not like cats, in case that wasn't clear. I love cats, but am allergic to them...which my father calls his "genetic revenge on cats." :smiley:

Wow... I've been through more cats than litter robots and they have all adapted. I assume you used all the training tricks that LR recommends... otherwise it's a $400 sculpture.