List of Incompatible Devices

I haven’t tried pairing it yet. It’s kinda a pain to exclude and I haven’t wanted to deal with it yet. Was hoping someone blazed the trail already. :grimacing:

I have Qubino Z-Wave Plus Flush 2 Relay Module ZMNHBD3 working using the Enerwave ZWN-RSM2 DH I found here.

I understand it’s not a 1:1 match but if lurkers are wondering about Qubino in general… it’s working. (Runs a bathroom light & Fan for me.)


I found the BeSense Ceiling Motion Sensor IX32 could not be function using either the generic z-wave motion or a modified DTH from ST. I was able to use the Jasco Motion Switch device driver, however I have bogus switches as result but the motion sensors work.

Has anyone gotten the Lowe’s Iris Security Keypad working with Hubitat yet? I know @bamarayne created a device handler and app for SmartThings and curious if that has been ported over to Hubitat.


Not yet, and not to my knowledge. I have one of these keypads, just waiting for me to get to it, its on the sooner, rather than later list, whatever that means…


@mike.maxwell can you please add this additional flavor of the GE switch to the Generic Z-Wave Switch driver please?
inClusters: 0x25,0x27,0x73,0x70,0x86,0x76

can you copy the text from the entire data section in the driver details?
I prefer to have as much of the fingerprint as possible,…

Unfortunately that is it! When it paired it used the device driver and I changed it to Generic Z-wave Switch and it works, I just cannot configure the LED as an example.

there is nothing but the in clusters listed here?

No sir:

If you need me to exclude and re-pair I can.

Yes, it only appears on initial pair.

If you wouldn't mind doing that, it would awesome...

Well I unpaired it and re-paired it and it actually paired as a Generic Z-Wave Switch with no issues. Before it paired as a device. The interesting thing is the inClusters are a little different this time as you can see below. The only thing that has changed with my setup is the addition of 40 or so devices that I added last night. Maybe it was a mesh issue, though I doubt it given a switch in the same gang box paired with no issues. I am on firmware Anyway I guess its a non issue now.

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Arrival Sensor battery since pairing. Are there some background communication we're not seeing that's killing the battery?

Boy I hope not. That battery is draining significantly fast. Was this a new battery?

Are the battery thresholds set wrong? Instead of 3V and 2V, is it set to 3V and 2.9V or something?

Newer. I just popped in a new one to see. Maybe I got a bad bunch from Amazon.

I only have the v2 ones. Haven’t checked battery level lately. Will look in morning and see if they are dying fast.

i’m also seeing rapid battery level drops being reported on my sensor. Down from 100% to 50 % in about two days.

seem a bit excessive to be getting something from the sensor every 20 seconds. This is with the presence timeout of 2 minutes.