List of Incompatible Devices

I ported over @ericm's driver in his GitHub repo. This was done many months ago and unsure if Eric has a working Hubitat version yet. I used the recommendations in this guide on how to port over ST DH's and SmartApps.

I did have issues with the child devices that are created for the I1 and I2 ports but I don't use them anyway so I removed the code since I just use it as a dry contact relay along with temperature sensing. Its been working fine.

Thanks for the info!
And I only use l1 anyway.
Can you please paste your ported DH? I would really appreciate it!
Thanks in advance!

@arnoud I don't use I1 and have disabled the child driver code for I1 and I2 so not sure my version will work for you. My use case for this device is simply a dry contact relay and temperature with no switch attached. Hopefully @ericm can chime in here for thoughts on making his published code work for HE.

Eric published an entire Hubitat section in his github, where he ported over, I think all, of his ST code. The Qubino one is here:

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Thank you @csteele and @ritchierich. I checked Erics github for the flush-1 switch relay..the non dimmer...and found it..Sadly it does give an error:
No signature of method: Script1.childDeviceTiles() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [all]
Might be a consequence of the firmware updates. I would love Eric to update the drivers/DH. Its an impressive collection he made!

Just remove the entire tiles{} section and try again. It is not used on HE anyway.

Thanks! That fixed it indeed. Now it works like a charm, :-):grinning:


@mike.maxwell : Here's a device I got running recently:
Monoprice Z-Wave Plugin On/Off #11995

Fingerprint info:
Manufacturer:0109Product Name:Generic Z-Wave OutletModel Number:Unknown Part NumberdeviceTypeId:105








It seems to run fine as Type: Generic Z-Wave Outlet.


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I would add the Orvibo Zigbee Smart Outlets to the List of Incompatible Devices.
Even though they pair and function.
They create a ghost mac FFFF device that can only be seen on the network with Xbee scans and created interference with other devices that can knock the other devices off the network.

Here's another one just for fun @mike.maxwell .

Telguard GDC1 ( Universal Z-Wave Garage Door Control Switch )

Fingerprint info:
Manufacturer:017EProduct Name:DeviceModel Number:Unknown Part NumberdeviceTypeId:15







This is discovered by HE as "Device". It seems to work right now as "Generic Z-Wave Switch"

This is actually a pretty cool device. It has performed quite reliably partly due to its included hard-wired door sensor. An advantage (and/or disadvantage) was that it was designed to work as a simple on/off switch. That makes it easy to get running and operate, but leaves something to be desired when it comes to GUI and terminology (off/on vs. open/closed, etc.).

For those looking for extra credit, I did find a SmartThings Device Type that might be migrated to HE. It can be found HERE.

Here's another one to add at some point @mike.maxwell .

I believe it's an older Monoprice Z-Wave Plugin Dimmer Switch (no longer available)

Fingerprint info:

Manufacturer:0109Product Name:DeviceModel Number:Unknown Part NumberdeviceTypeId:15







This is discovered by HE as "Device". It seems to work properly as "Generic Z-Wave Dimmer"


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Linear P300z-2 outlet plugin dimmer. Can’t get it to work anybody have any ideas.

I believe that one is similar to the monoprice unlabeled one. Have you tried changing the driver in device details to this?


I will try that, it’s a PD300Z-2. I mistyped the model number.

Not sure on the plugin in dimmer, but the Generic Z-Wave Dimmer or Smart Dimmer should expose the z-wave level and switch commands.

Any progress with the keypads? I have 2, one is the Iris and the other is the Xfinity/Centralite, both are not working, I ported the ST driver but it did not work... I believe this is the last step for my full migration, besides the door lock doesn't work neither.


This driver was included about a month ago, the upcoming release will include integration with HSM.

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That is weird Mike, when I add the keypad it works but parcially, not sure if the problem is no HSM integration yet, when I click on the software Arm Away I see the keypads change the status, but I can't setup pins and dissarm the keypad with my preffered code. Any suggestions are very welcome and thanks for answering.

These devices don't store the pins in hardware (unlike locks)...
So the pin codes (for now) need to be entered into the driver prior to being able to use the code on the keypad.

The keypads work with hubitat. At least my iris keypads do.

Without the integration for HSM or other apps, there’s not much you can do with them though (maybe code an app yourself, I’m not able to do that though).