Linkind Motion Sensor not showing current states/not detecting motion

I was following a different thread with the same issue but the thread kind of died off so I want to bring up the topic again to see if I can find a solution.

Long story short, I was able to connect my linkind motion sensors to hubitat but it seems that it either is not detecting motion or not reporting it to hubitat.

I've tried reconnecting it several times and got the same result everytime. I've attached the device status here. Any help would be appreciated!

I also acquired 3 of these units last week - and the result was identical. That PARTICULAR firmware is also what I had. I purchased this because i saw that others had used this device successfully. Then, I later learned that the newer firmware doesn't work, just as we have both experienced. I tried about 6 drivers, none gave any initial success.
I considered writing the driver for it - but it was easier to ship them back and acquire something else. C'est la vie.

Linkind is a company I have my eye on - they are one of the few with a Dimmable CCT (colortemp) bulb for zigbee that actually is priced decently - sadly its not on Amazon for purchase - only via their website.
Had I kept one - I'd create a driver for it.

Theres a bug in the current driver for this device, we'll have a fix out shortly...

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@mike.maxwell as an old gf used to say 'well Sh8T Carl'. I already sent em back :frowning: I was installing at an offsite location for someone... didn't have much choice.

So just to confirm, any FW version of the Linkind motion sensor should work?

Yes, a customer sent me one of the newer ones, I just got it working a few hours ago.

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Great...another Zigbee motion sensor option is always good.

Off topic (sorta) - are the contact sensors and leak sensors on the list for support in the future? AFAIK they weren't supported. Contact sensor has a nice small footprint.

Has anyone actually tried a Linkind contact recently? I had these working a year or so ago... (Feb of 2020 to be exact)

I found this - seemed mixed results, some problems reported at the end of the thread, but I don't have one to try yet.

Well sure, that thread started a month before I tested the device and added a fingerprint for it...

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Ah, that's good to know. Adding Linkind to my list of contact sensors to try! Thanks for clarifying what I missed.

It really is a shame because they are so reasonably priced! I don't need any temp or lux sensors so it doesn't make sense for me to shell out the cash for them. I guess I'll return them for the time being. Hopefully they do a firmware update soon.

Whatโ€™s a shame?

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Yea I replied to that before I saw Mike's post haha. I'm glad there's a fix coming!

I have 2 of them set up and they work well. Quick enough response time.

I had my Linkind motion sensor drop off today (probably when I update the software). FWIW, their contact sensors work with Hubitat. I've had both motion and contact for many months without a problem.

I have the same results. I had this working well on Smartthings. However, I can not get it to report states in Hubitat. They should be able to eventually get it working on Hubitat.

Samples i purchased from amazon about a year ago were tested and added to the generic zigbee motion (no temp) driver.
Which driver did Hubitat select when you included it?

I still have the same issue of no motion sensing on my Linkind sensor since the 9th. It was working fine for a few months before this. Verified that it is set on the ZigBee Motion Sensor (no temp) driver.

Device info:

  • endpointId: 01
  • model: ZB-MotionSensor-D0003
  • application: 5D
  • firmwareMT: 1168-80FB-510D0002
  • softwareBuild: 510D0002
  • manufacturer: lk