Linkind Motion Sensor not showing current states/not detecting motion

So just to confirm, any FW version of the Linkind motion sensor should work?

Yes, a customer sent me one of the newer ones, I just got it working a few hours ago.

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Great...another Zigbee motion sensor option is always good.

Off topic (sorta) - are the contact sensors and leak sensors on the list for support in the future? AFAIK they weren't supported. Contact sensor has a nice small footprint.

Has anyone actually tried a Linkind contact recently? I had these working a year or so ago... (Feb of 2020 to be exact)

I found this - seemed mixed results, some problems reported at the end of the thread, but I don't have one to try yet.

Well sure, that thread started a month before I tested the device and added a fingerprint for it...

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Ah, that's good to know. Adding Linkind to my list of contact sensors to try! Thanks for clarifying what I missed.

It really is a shame because they are so reasonably priced! I don't need any temp or lux sensors so it doesn't make sense for me to shell out the cash for them. I guess I'll return them for the time being. Hopefully they do a firmware update soon.

Whatโ€™s a shame?

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Yea I replied to that before I saw Mike's post haha. I'm glad there's a fix coming!

I have 2 of them set up and they work well. Quick enough response time.

I had my Linkind motion sensor drop off today (probably when I update the software). FWIW, their contact sensors work with Hubitat. I've had both motion and contact for many months without a problem.

I have the same results. I had this working well on Smartthings. However, I can not get it to report states in Hubitat. They should be able to eventually get it working on Hubitat.

Samples i purchased from amazon about a year ago were tested and added to the generic zigbee motion (no temp) driver.
Which driver did Hubitat select when you included it?

I still have the same issue of no motion sensing on my Linkind sensor since the 9th. It was working fine for a few months before this. Verified that it is set on the ZigBee Motion Sensor (no temp) driver.

Device info:

  • endpointId: 01
  • model: ZB-MotionSensor-D0003
  • application: 5D
  • firmwareMT: 1168-80FB-510D0002
  • softwareBuild: 510D0002
  • manufacturer: lk

So mine is detecting motion right now quite accurately. One problem I am having is that they seem to not deactivate if there is light in the room. Does anyone else have this problem? Or is this a common thing with motion sensors and I'm just too noob to realize...

Its very uncommon...

That's interesting. I checked all 3 of my sensors and they're the same way. The motion will turn on the light through motion lighting, but the status will stay active unless I turn off the lights manually. Guess I'll reach out to linkind and see what they say.

Huh, that doesn't sound like it's related to the light level.
Stick one in a closet, trip it, then close the door, make sure it goes inactive in some reasonable timeframe, like a minute or less...

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