I'm in the process of moving everything over from SmartThings. I previously had one Hue bulb in my son's room connected to ST and with a Hue dimmer remote also controlling the bulb directly. I don't remember exactly how I set that up, and was wondering if the same thing was possible with Hubitat. I don't have a Hue bridge and have no interest in adding one. I did manage to get both the remote and bulb connected to Hubitat. Is my only option to treat the Hue dimmer as a button controller to control the bulb through Hubitat? Has anyone successfully linked a remote directly to a bulb and kept Hubitat control too?
Welcome to the community!
All my Hue dimmers (4 of them) are connected directly to my HE hub and work fine. No drop offs or anything like they were on SmartThings. I control them using the Button Controller app (and a few Rule Manager rules). As far as I know, there is no way outside of having a Hue bridge to link a bulb with a remote.
As for the bulb, I would replace it if at all possible. Hue bulbs directly connected to the HE hub is asking for routing issues as they are REALLY bad when they are operating in the ZHA profile.
Bill is correct. You are going to want to get a Hue bridge. The integration in HE is fantastic. They're still on sale too.
I am going to the US and I was going to buy myself a Hue Bridge there as they are 25% cheaper than in my home country, but now with the sale they are closer to 40% cheaper.
I didn´t want to pre-order until I knew if the power supply supports 220/240v. Would it be possible for you to confirm or deny if this is the case ? A picture of the power brick would be nice
I don't know if it is possible to have a Hue bulb connected to a hub and the dimmer switch simultaneously or not but you might want to try. A Hue dimmer can be directly connected to one or more Hue bulbs, no hub required. If I understand your desire correctly, I would try pairing the dimmer directly to the bulb and then pair the bulb to HE.
Might work. I have Lutron Connected Bulb Remotes connected to the Bulbs and the bridge connected simultaneously to the bulbs.
There’s a video that shows how to do it. There are two out there. One is overly complicated and he uses android in the process with some third part app if I remember correctly.
But since the Hue bridge is meant to work with the remote, it may not work the same.
[Edit] Found it...
Thanks for the welcome.
I do love that I can basically use the Hue remote for anything now. The direct integration with HE is nice. I've read a fair number of warning on the Hue bulbs without a bridge. I never had issues with ST, including a Xiaomi button that came with equally disparaging claims. I have no issue dumping the Hue bulb now that the remote doesn't need to link directly to it. What bulbs would you suggest? I don't typically go the bulb route, but in this particular lamp it's easier than a wall module.
Thanks for the video. This worked as I remembered. I was able to do this with a Cree bulb and a Lutron Connected Bulb remote. That one unfortunately would not function as a button controller in HE. I wish it had. I have three of these that I picked up when Home Depot was carrying them. I love the footprint of these. It looks like the only way I'll get compatibility with Lutron remotes is with a Lutron Pro Hub. It's on my list, but I can't yet justify the money. I need to offload the other various hubs that I have collecting dust first.
You might want to hang onto the SmartThings hub for firmware updates or something critical that HE cannot do yet. I sold mine, but I have a Wink hub that has been able to update some things. They’re not dead yet. ST likely to last longer though.