Lightwave RF (Gen 2) App and Drivers

Hi all,

Has anyone started work on integration with the LightwaveRF (Gen 2) system? It would be a cloud to cloud integration but the API is fully documented. IFFF and ST have support built in but I would like to do things directly from Hubitat.

I was a developer and am happy to have a go, but am struggling to get started - maybe if someone points me in the direction of a good cloud integration app I can use that as a guide. Or I will need to read the ST documentation as Hubitat is a little lacking in this area :-).

If someone started something, maybe I can help continue / finish it.



There is one already out there for Gen 1.
Have a search and you will find my post.
Maybe you could do something with it for Gen 2.

Thanks for the reply, but the API and approach has changed completely from Gen 1 to Gen 2. Gen 1 was message to local hub that then translated this into RF commands. Gen 2 is cloud based integration that then instructs the local hub.


I've released a beta for a gen2 integration I've been working on.

See this post
