Lights flash once after turning off inovelli lzw-31

Have had 3+ years of no issues. Hubitat, Inovelli LZW-31 dimmer switch- 4 LED lights. When I turn it off- from the physical switch or software, it ramps down turns off, and then for a split second turns on and switches off again. Happening in only 2 rooms (I have 7-8 of these dimmers). Hasn't happened so far. Updated the drivers and the latest hubitat firmware. Any insights?

I would start by switching the bulb from a room with the issue to one without, to eliminate the bulb as a potential source of the issue.

Would also check to see if there are any related events in the device screen for the problematic switches.

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Tried a new bulb. same thing. And now it is happening in all the rooms with a lzw31 dimmer switch.

Is there a related event on the device screen? That would mean that the hub recognizes what’s happening.

If you suspect the hub as a problem, two things you can try or look at are:

  1. Shut down the hub (or at least disable Z-Wave) and see if the problem persists.
  2. Check the "Events" list on the device detail page for any commands that may have been unexpectedly sent to the device from apps (e.g., a "command-on" right after an "off" event that you didn't do yourself) -- commands in particular, not events -- which would show you what app did it.

If it's the device itself, I can't think of any parameter that might be doing this, though that seems the most likely and might also be worth considering if you have any settings different between the two.

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didn'tthink of shutting down the hub (it happened both by software and physical control)
I looked on the events- only single event of on and off. Nothing else to indicate that a quick off-on-off situation occured.

I did "fix" the problem by going to the preferences setting of the device and changed the dimming speed to 1 ( as opposed to the default of 3). Still a head scratched since I really haven't done anything to the settings or configuration for the last 3 years.

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