Lifx support out of the box

I'll do some more testing tomorrow and will apply fixes.

Reported exceptions have been fixed.


Only 3rd day using Hubitat so please forgive my ignorance, but when performing this step " On the Devices Code page, press the New Driver button Paste the code for LIFXDiscovery.groovy and save"....

I keep getting the following error when trying to save "Cannot get property 'parent' on null object"

I have tried multiple times but same result. I was able to successfully add the new app section but not a new driver. Any ideas or suggestions?

That's my fault for not updating the documentation, the LIFXDiscovery driver is no longer needed, the app does all the work that it used to do.

Sorry about that.

No worries! Thanks for letting me know :+1:

Is there any way to control Lifx z strip? I added the Lifx master app to hubitat but it doesn't find any device with the discovery button, probably because the device handler is missing

Did you also add the individual device drivers as indicated in the readme? For a LIFX Strip you'd need the LIFX Multizone driver. I haven't tested with a z-strip since I don't have one, but it works fine with the LIFX Beam.

Works fine for me!


In the instructions you said to don't forget to press the Done button after adding the master App and I didn't noticed it :grinning:

As I clicked 'Done', I opened the app and my Lifx Z String was detected. Your app works very well, no delay, it's even faster than the mobile app.

Thank you and congratulations for your amazing work

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I disconnected my Lifx bulbs from Hubitat and tried using Alexa to see if I could get the lights from constantly coming on in the middle of the night. Unfortuantely the bulbs behave the same regardless of what they are connected too. Now I am going back to Hubitat but cannot get the bulbs to be discovered. I removed them from Alexa and the Lifx app, then reset the bulbs and reconnected them to wifi via the Lifx app. I loaded the latest updates from GIThub but I cannot get Hubitat to discover the bulbs now. I am running on the latest version of Hubitat and the Lifx bulbs have the latest firmware. Running discover from the Lifx Master app does nothing. Any ideas?
Thanks, Harold

I've not tried version 2.17 yet, so perhaps there's an issue there? Any errors shown in the logs?

I'll see about installing 2.17 here on my development hub now.

No issues with version 2.17 and discovery here, but then my dev hub is using a newer version (not ready for upload yet though I'm afraid)

When i click discover devices nothing happens but i do have errors in the log. app:2892019-12-05 09:49:05.439 pm debugLIFX installed

app:2892019-12-05 09:48:57.158 pm Device type 'LIFX Discovery' in namespace 'robheyes' not found on line 465 (appButtonHandler)

app:2892019-12-05 09:48:57.087 pm infoRemoving LIFX Discovery device

app:2892019-12-05 09:48:44.651 pm Device type 'LIFX Discovery' in namespace 'robheyes' not found on line 465 (appButtonHandler)

app:2892019-12-05 09:48:44.524 pm infoRemoving LIFX Discovery device

app:2892019-12-05 09:47:43.842 pm Device type 'LIFX Discovery' in namespace 'robheyes' not found on line 465 (appButtonHandler)

app:2892019-12-05 09:47:43.643 pm infoRemoving child devices

Sounds like you didn't update the LIFX Master app when you updated the drivers

Hello and thanks, i checked the date and I did add the code but I have no clue what happened. My browser still had the window open from when I originally downloaded it and perhaps that is how I ended up with the exact same code. Anyway I reloaded it and this time it started the discover but still did not discover the bulbs.
app:2912019-12-06 07:38:48.471 am infoDiscovery started

app:2912019-12-06 07:38:48.450 am infoRemoving child devices

app:2912019-12-06 07:38:46.299 am errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object '[]' with class 'java.util.ArrayList' to class 'java.util.Map' due to: groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Could not find matching constructor for: java.util.Map() on line 1448 (appButtonHandler)

app:2912019-12-06 07:38:41.923 am errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object '[]' with class 'java.util.ArrayList' to class 'java.util.Map' due to: groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Could not find matching constructor for: java.util.Map() on line 1448 (appButtonHandler)

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Looks like you're using Discover new rather than Discover devices.

The format of atomicState.knownIps changed at some point.

If that doesn't work then remove the app instance and create a new one which should definitely get you started with a clean slate

Hi all, how can one create a group so that I can group some bulbs together? Cheers

For the moment you'd just use Hubitat's own groups - if you haven't done it already then install the built-in Groups and Scenes app, then just create the group with that.

It's not ideal as you will likely find that there's some popcorning (a small delay between each bulb turning on or off). I have started work on a custom LIFX group driver and app, but it's slow going.

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Thank you.