LIFX Local Control

Can someone please enumerate the ports, protocols, and direction of discovery and control communications between Hubitat and LIFX bulbs?

My bulbs and Hubitat are not on the same subnet and I need to implement firewall/NAT rules.


I had already setup my bulbs prior to moving some of them to another subnet. I haven't yet finished this project, and given all the variables involved YMMV. Here's what I did, based on

  1. Enabled UDP/TCP 56700 bidirectionally
  2. Configured a UDP relay to permit discovery traffic to reach the bulb subnet
  3. I had already discovered my bulbs, so I had device entries for each in Hubitat. Due to implementation details in my environment (changing SSID for the bulbs) I reset them, re-adopted them in the LIFX app, and then in the hubitat settings changed the DNI to the new IP address once it had been configured.

I believe that bulb discovery should work from the hubitat on net-new bulbs, but I cannot recall if I have actually tested that particular scenario. It should be as easy as specifying the subnet to scan in the LIFX Master app settings.

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Rob said he has been busy, but I wanted to note for anyone not seeing the github that I've submitted a PR to implement HPM support. I did as much of the plumbing as I could but there is a text file that Rob will need to publish somewhere before it will show up in the HPM catalog.


Thanks for the guidance. I created a rule to forward TCP & UDP on port 56700 to my single LIFX bulb at its static IP address. Thereafter, discovery succeeded and I'm able to control my bulb.

Great, I'll try to take a look at that this weekend, not sure why I don't seem to be getting any emails from github to let me know that there's an outstanding PR.

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Hi Folks - I just fired up this code to discover some LIFX bulbs in the house - I created them static DHCP leases and all is good! I can control them from Hubitat now.

The next challenge is for hubitat to see a state change when, for example, my daughter turns them off with Alexa. The lights go off (Direct Alexa->LIFX integration), but I never see a state change in Hubitat. I suspect this is by design - but just wanted to validate.


The driver should be polling your lights once a minute to retrieve their current state -- so updates would not be immediate, but should happen without intervention.

Are you seeing a lot of UDP timeouts in your logs? This could indicate that packets from HE aren't getting to your bulbs (or their responses aren't getting back)

I get the very occasional UDP timeout - but not consistently... you are right - the state does change after the poll - but than answers my question - it's working as designed!



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I have a LIFX white, and it discovered fine. However, it said no device handler, and I cant figure out how to make it work.

Maybe you are missing this step.

Individual device handlers

On the Devices Code page, press the New Driver button

Paste the code for LIFXColor.groovy and save

Repeat this process for each of the device handlers you want to install. It's probably best to add all of them even if you don't have a corresponding device at the moment, I've found that buying LIFX devices is a bit addictive.

@Navat604 I installed the LIFX white, the LIFX color, and the LIFX white mono. I still get this error (my device's name is 5io)

5io (No driver installed for null)

How about go into your 5io device page and select the driver manually?

@Navat604 I don't have a device page. It looks like this.

The device discovery page looks like this.Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 3.52.08 PM

Sorry, can't help you there other than try adding all the bulb drivers to see if that will help. Is this a special new bulb or such?

it is the 2700k bulb which is dimmable only. Under settings of the app, I saw this.Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 4.01.19 PM

That specific device ID looks new - might not be mapped in the App

@dkilgore90 can I map it by myself? Mono white seems to be the same

Yes, you'll need to add a case 87: in private Map deviceVersion - starts on line 1555

Funny, I don't even see this documented by Lifx: products/products.json at master · LIFX/products · GitHub

Is it a "mini" (goes with 51/61 at lines 1774-1775)?

@dkilgore90 it worked!

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Hi folks - newbie question if you dont mind. I have a bit of HA already setup (6 Lifx lamps mostly triggered by motion from a Ring Doorbell via IFTTT, Lightwave RF switches, Alexa devices, Unifi IP cameras ) I'm wanting to move away from Smartthings and stumbled across the Hubitat Hub - am I right in thinking Hubitat will happily "talk" to Lifx ?
