LIFX Local Control

Are there any known issues with this lifx app/driver staying connected to the Z strip lights? It keeps going dark on me to where i can't control it at all. Removing from hubitat and re-adding will work for a while, but then will have to do that again when it goes dark again.

The Z strip is one of the devices I don't currently own - did you try repositioning or reorienting the controller box?

Can you confirm that you're using a static IP address for the Z strip?

Well, I thought I was, but it doesn't look like it. Must be the issue because the device network ID field is different than the actual IP address the strip is using. Can I just set the static IP address to be the device's new IP address and then edit the device network ID to be that new address?

Although I've never actually tried doing that I can't see why it wouldn't work.

Yup, that worked. Thanks!

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I've been using 8 Z strips for almost a year with this driver and it works flawlessly

For those who may be interested - in my time of isolation, I've been working on a vision for full multi-zone support, e.g. the capability to set custom HSBK per-zone, building on the existing save/load support. In my own testing, I've got it working the way I would expect - PR here: full multizone support by dkilgore90 Ā· Pull Request #82 Ā· robheyes/lifxcode Ā· GitHub. Comments/feedback welcome

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I'll take a look at this over the next week, I hope this will work okay with the changes I've been making but haven't pushed yet.

Great! I really need this for my purposes in using color notifications. Looking forward to it. Would it be premature to use your code already?

EDIT: Well, I've tried out the code. It seems to be working ok, except the setZones command sometimes doesn't seem to update the zones. What output would be helpful for you to debug?

Also, just as suggestion, would it be more widely accessible to have an input option for just "red" or "blue"?

any debug logs from the device/LifxMasterApp would be useful - I'll look at adding some more debug logging (my primary focus was on getting a working model for myself :wink: ). IIRC occasionally I would get a null error somewhere - I think it was either due to a dropped UDP message, or maybe a race during the update of state.lastMultizone any my lookup. Either way, re-sending the setZones was successful (realize that workaround is only valid in a "manual" scenario, whereas an automated workflow doesn't necessarily know it needs to resend).

Good suggestion on namedColors - will look at integrating that support

Once 2.20 is released it should be possible to catch the UDP failures and automate resending.

@JustinL I pushed an update to the PR this afternoon which includes support for RGB hex values and namedColors - e.g. 0:"[color: 'Red']" to set zone 0 to Red

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It's actually been working quite well for me lately. I haven't had the same problem again. Maybe I goofed with the parameter values somewhere. Not sure.

Recently, I started seeing errors like the one below in my logs. I've seen similar error for at least two of my LIFX bulbs.

org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object '49' with class 'java.lang.String' to class 'java.lang.Number' on line 110 (setLevel)

That's rather weird, I've not seen this here, and I can't see why it would fail like that.

I assume this is for a LIFX Color bulb.

You could try changing the setLevel function as follows

def setLevel(level, duration = 0) {
    sendActions parent.deviceSetLevel(device, level.toInteger(), getUseActivityLog(), duration)

Let me know if that sorts it out.

Finally got around to merging this - good idea with the child devices for multizone.

Only a couple of merge conflicts with my latest branch due to changes I've made so that's good :slight_smile:

So is it working? Iā€™m confused, if yes how to make it work? Thanks

Is what working?

To control Lifx bulb or strip with HE?

Yes, it works. What issue are you having?