LIFX Light constantly dropping from HE

Yes, DHCP reserved. I mean if it was the HE implementation everyone including Bryan would have it, only a few people have had problems with the LIFX bulbs dropping off. Though now that I think of it, I wonder if it's something in your bulb's particular firmware (again I'm using color bulbs, you are using CT bulbs) Perhaps the combination of your particular bulb firmware with HE could be a problem? (just chewing grass on this)

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Well, for these two CT Bulbs the firmware is a latest and identical. One is rock solid with HE but a second one is/was a nightmare. Everything what is visible is exactly the same (of course MAC and IP addresses are different). One has/had no any single problem with HE but second one continuously disconnected from HE. But it has no any problems once it was moved to HA.

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I cannot say it was always dropping of the network, I have one switch, when the button is hit, 1 bulb and 2 ledstips are turned on, when the button is hit again the 3 LIFX devices are set to OFF.
Sometimes not ALL devices are set to the correct status, I that case I needed to repeat the action a second or third time. Since I send a http POST link to HA to switch the devices the problem is solved.
After I have send it to HA I do a refresh om the HE to get te status correct on the dashboard.

I try to avoid using HADB, the app shows lots of logs for that app

HADB is runnig on the C7 (dedicated to all lan-based integrations) which is hub-mash to C8 Pro. C8 Pro runs all automations and handles all Zigbee/ZWave devices. I am very happy with HADB (BIG Thanks to @ymerj and @tomw for creating and actively supporting HADB!). Thanks to HA and HADB I was able to say Good Bye to many cloud-based integrations (I really hate all these clouds) and to add many different devices otherwise not supported by HE.

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My goal is only to buy devices supported by Hubitat to avoid extra complicity :slight_smile: thats why I bought LIFX :scream:

These two yours statements above are telling a whole story ...

I am obliged to turn off all my child devices from my 2 LED strips (48 + 24 zones), otherwise the load is too heavy on the hub, due to the refresh during use