LIFX Driver Code

Ok.. So this one actually has 2 controllable loads?…

The one I had had 2 buttons but only one load control..

Yes two seperate loads. I thought the 4 gang device might work (ie only the first two load), but I havent been able to get the 4 gang LIFX device to work.

It should... In theory.. Make sure to hit the configure button after switching to that driver..

If it doesn't.. then there is something really different going on..

If that 4-gang driver works after hitting the configure button.. I can throw together a 2-gang driver..

I have done the configure button but to no avail. Back to the drawing board.. bugger

So hitting configure should have created 4 child devices.. do none of them control your loads?

Correct, configure created 4 child devices but none of them controlled the load. Maybe fresh eyes in the morning….

So with the 4 gang switch device the two child devices that show a switch toggling are Switches 2 and 3. But the physical 2 gang switch can only accept wiring into the Switch 0 and 1 slots. So new device is need me thinks specifically for the 2 gang.

Update!! After a nights sleep, I reconfigured the LIFX switch itself so each button was configured in Lifx app to work as “non Lifx light”. Now the Lifx 4 gang switch child devices do their thang.

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Postnote - still a glitch. The connectivity seems to be one way. In Hubitat when I turn activate the switches it connects to the lifx switch and works. However, when I use the lifx switch directly, it fails to update the hubitat device condition (and hence associated rules. mmmmm

This is expected behavior, as the switch is not "paired" in any way to the hub, manual control (or through the LIFX app) will not send any packets to update the hub. Only when the command is initiated by the hub, will it send a response to the hub.

There is a polling option which would allow the hub to discover manual changes to state (though not "real-time"


Is there a way to get the bulbs to show up in the official app afte they've been "removed from cloud" for a firmware update? I don't want to reset if it's going to break this integration.

This integration finds the bulbs on the LAN based on their MAC addresses. Whether they are connected to LIFX's cloud or not is not going to affect it.

Unless a firmware update changes the MAC address, which seems really really unlikely.

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