LIFX Built-in drivers - questions and discussion

@bcopeland I'm having problems with my Lifx Color 1000 bulbs since I switched over to the built-in drivers. These bulbs have been working fine for over a year with rob's drivers. Firmware is up to date and WiFi strength is good. Problems I'm seeing are:

  1. They don't reliably turn on and off. Sometimes they work, but sometimes they don't.
  2. Transitioning from on to off over 3 seconds does not work smoothly. The behavior looks like the driver is changing the level every second. Not smooth at all. Rob's drivers always worked great for transitions. In fact, sometimes a light will get stuck at some low level and I have to turn it off again to really get it to off.
  3. A group of bulbs being turned on or off seems to be slower than with rob's drivers and I see the popcorning effect.

What I'm doing in my webCoRE automation to turn a group of bulbs on is:
a. Turn on the bulb
b. Set the Color Temperature
c. Fade level to 100% in 3 seconds

Turning off the group:
a. Fade level to 0% in 3 seconds
b. Turn of the bulbs

I'd be happy to provide logs if that's helpful or run a specific scenario with logs.

Yes.. please turn on debug logging when you do a fade to level

Okay, will do. Logs coming your way in a little while.

@bcopeland Okay, started with the group on and did a fade to 0% over 3 seconds. One of the lights is stuck at a low level, not off. I will do a fade on next. Here's the log for fade to off:

dev:13092021-12-02 10:13:52.596 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 0, kelvin: 3000, power: 65534, label: TV Floor Lamp)

dev:13092021-12-02 10:13:52.592 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D51100A90000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4C0000B80B0000FEFF545620466C6F6F72204C616D70000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:52.556 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 0, kelvin: 3000, power: 0, label: Table Lamp 2)

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:52.553 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D5116EE00000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4C0000B80B000000005461626C65204C616D70203200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:52.462 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 8520, kelvin: 3000, power: 65042, label: Table Lamp 1)

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:52.459 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D5119E640000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4C4821B80B000012FE5461626C65204C616D70203100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13092021-12-02 10:13:51.572 am debugUnhandled Command: StateLightPower(level: 65535)

dev:13092021-12-02 10:13:51.569 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D51100A90000, command: 118, payload: FFFF, isBroadcast: false

dev:13092021-12-02 10:13:51.538 am debugoff()

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:51.531 am debugUnhandled Command: StateLightPower(level: 65535)

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:51.528 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D5116EE00000, command: 118, payload: FFFF, isBroadcast: false

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:51.510 am debugoff()

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:51.508 am debugUnhandled Command: StateLightPower(level: 65042)

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:51.442 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D5119E640000, command: 118, payload: 12FE, isBroadcast: false

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:51.416 am debugoff()

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:51.312 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 0, kelvin: 3000, power: 65535, label: Table Lamp 2)

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:51.309 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D5116EE00000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4C0000B80B0000FFFF5461626C65204C616D70203200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:51.282 am debugsetLevel(0)

dev:13092021-12-02 10:13:51.218 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 43908, kelvin: 3000, power: 65535, label: TV Floor Lamp)

dev:13092021-12-02 10:13:51.215 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D51100A90000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4C84ABB80B0000FFFF545620466C6F6F72204C616D70000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13092021-12-02 10:13:51.184 am debugsetLevel(0)

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:51.107 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 8520, kelvin: 3000, power: 65535, label: Table Lamp 2)

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:51.104 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D5116EE00000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4C4821B80B0000FFFF5461626C65204C616D70203200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:51.066 am debugsetLevel(0)

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:50.686 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 17694, kelvin: 3000, power: 65535, label: Table Lamp 2)

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:50.673 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D5116EE00000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4C1E45B80B0000FFFF5461626C65204C616D70203200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:50.654 am debugsetLevel(13)

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:50.607 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 17694, kelvin: 3000, power: 65042, label: Table Lamp 1)

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:50.594 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D5119E640000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4C1E45B80B000012FE5461626C65204C616D70203100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:50.554 am debugsetLevel(13)

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:50.211 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 26214, kelvin: 3000, power: 65535, label: Table Lamp 2)

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:50.205 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D5116EE00000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4C6666B80B0000FFFF5461626C65204C616D70203200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:50.176 am debugsetLevel(27)

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:50.095 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 26214, kelvin: 3000, power: 65042, label: Table Lamp 1)

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:50.088 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D5119E640000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4C6666B80B000012FE5461626C65204C616D70203100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:50.054 am debugsetLevel(27)

dev:13092021-12-02 10:13:49.881 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 43908, kelvin: 3000, power: 65535, label: TV Floor Lamp)

dev:13092021-12-02 10:13:49.856 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D51100A90000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4C84ABB80B0000FFFF545620466C6F6F72204C616D70000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:49.712 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 34734, kelvin: 3000, power: 65535, label: Table Lamp 2)

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:49.697 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D5116EE00000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4CAE87B80B0000FFFF5461626C65204C616D70203200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:49.666 am debugsetLevel(40)

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:49.591 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 43908, kelvin: 3000, power: 65042, label: Table Lamp 1)

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:49.584 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D5119E640000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4C84ABB80B000012FE5461626C65204C616D70203100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:49.554 am debugsetLevel(40)

dev:1672021-12-02 10:13:49.305 am infoLiving Room Scene Controller battery is 30%

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:49.106 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 52428, kelvin: 3000, power: 65535, label: Table Lamp 2)

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:49.099 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D5116EE00000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4CCCCCB80B0000FFFF5461626C65204C616D70203200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13062021-12-02 10:13:49.066 am debugsetLevel(53)

dev:13092021-12-02 10:13:48.844 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 52428, kelvin: 3000, power: 65535, label: TV Floor Lamp)

dev:13092021-12-02 10:13:48.836 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D51100A90000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4CCCCCB80B0000FFFF545620466C6F6F72204C616D70000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:48.803 am debugLightState(hue: 7209, saturation: 19661, brightness: 52428, kelvin: 3000, power: 65042, label: Table Lamp 1)

dev:13092021-12-02 10:13:48.800 am debugsetLevel(67)

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:48.758 am debugparse:lifx device: D073D5119E640000, command: 107, payload: 291CCD4CCCCCB80B000012FE5461626C65204C616D70203100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, isBroadcast: false

dev:13082021-12-02 10:13:48.642 am debugsetLevel(67)

dev:1672021-12-02 10:13:47.874 am infoLiving Room Scene Controller button 4 was pushed

Why is webCoRE sending a setLevel every few steps?? .. This would have been perfectly smooth if it would have sent setLevel(100, 3) instead of setLevel(x) every few ms

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setLevel(level, duration)
level required (NUMBER) - Level to set (0 to 100)
duration optional (NUMBER) - Transition duration in seconds

If it would have sent duration the transition would have been handled in the firmware of the bulb

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try it.. go to the device page and do this:


You will see a perfect transition

Damn, I see the problem. The automation is using an emulated set level. Let me change over to the device set level and see if that fixes the issue.

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@bcopeland All better now. Everything is working as expected and it's now very fast. Thanks for your help. Sorry, I really shot myself in the foot here :slight_smile:

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The latest has a driver for LIFX strips that don’t support extended linear zones

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Is there anything in the .115 release to address the double click issue?

@dario_rossi @bcopeland I just downloaded the .115 release and the issue is still there but I do have some information that may help @bcopeland debug it:

I noticed that 1 out of our 28 bulbs seemed to be unaffected by this bug - and this happens to be the one bulb that is from the latest generation of LIFX bulbs. All of our LIFX bulbs are A19 bulbs, but for various reasons (mainly starting our smart home system many years ago) they ware from a variety of different generations:

We have 2 of the very original LIFX A19 bulbs, 25 of the color 1000 generation, and 1 (because it was bought as a replacement) of the latest A19 generation. That one is the only one that responds with 1 click.

Hopefully this information can help @bcopeland debug the issue!

Are any of the 27 upgradable? It would be another great clue if it started working as a result. I'm assuming @bcopeland got a box full of all new product... and didn't have a way of testing older versions. (Maybe he'll trade ya one :slight_smile: )

They are all on the latest firmware versions available for each of them which are:

LIFX Original: firmware v2.1
LIFX Color 1000: firmware v1.22
LIFX A19 (current gen): firmware v2.80

on another note @csteele Do you know if the issue you found re: non responding LIFX lights is still an issue in firmware .115? I ask as we are going abroad soon and the house is set to automatically switch off all the LIFX circuits when we are away.. which would make them all non responsive and we have a lot so I wouldn't want the hub to lock up

@bcopeland , @AdamV may be on to something. My light bulbs are are original firmware 2.1 as well.

For anyone still experiencing on/off issues on older bulbs.. Try this:

HubitatPublic/LifxColorBulbLegacy.groovy at master Β· hubitat/HubitatPublic (

Make sure to hit configure after switching to this driver

@bcopeland Yes this works!! Haven't tested everything but from an on / off perspective it works! Shall I wait for the official update with this driver so that all future update are automatically updated?