Life 360 presence mode

For the first question I'm almost positive but I will double check but it's 1 webhook endpoint for the account level. The circle and member id are components of the post that is then sent to the end device ie Hubitat.

The webhook like all of the Life360 API is "undocumented" and not sanctioned for 3rd party use. I don't see how IFTTT would utilize the webhook as you the user of IFTTT would have to provide the destination.

I don't think a refresh touches the webhook, but Hubitat staff would have to confirm. The webhook is setup during the Life360 app install. The webhook is only the return URL back to your HE hub.

Looking at the debug, it looks like when you hit the Life 360 Refresh device button it deletes and re-creates the webhook.

At least there is a "webhook delete params" and then a "webhook set data" in there.

Wow.... ok so having multi-hubs in different locations with Life360 will be a real PITA... Just don't hit the refresh button!!! :smile:

I guess they thought doing a delete/create on each refresh would ensure functionality and make sure it wasn't updated by another system maybe?

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That's why I wish there were a simple/more reliable location app for Android... This shouldn't be that hard! The Life 360 app (and app based notifications) work great on my phones, but the webhook updates just haven't been reliable for me - I don't know why.

I tried Alexa, but it wasn't any more reliable - still many times the device didn't update when it should.

I could do something more elaborate with Tasker, etc, but that is a pain to maintain on 4 different phones.

Well... there is. Simplex Locate can use several Android clients. It's not a free service.

For free there used to be an app egiGeoFence that was great. But the author called it quits because he was tired of the constant changes to the Location API's in Android.

Another app that some like is BTraced (not free) but it can push to remote servers so if there was a cloud point open that it could send through and then an app on Hubitat to read the data.... it's at least a possibility.

Simplex looks really interesting. $4/device/mo is too high for me. If they ever have a 50% off sale, I might consider trying it though!!!

It's 30 day free trial just cancel if you don't like it.

I've heard the $4 is too high. It costs a lot to actually run the system unfortunately. I justify the devices as it's cheaper than my Hulu subscription which I don't even watch! :smile:

I get that!!!! LOL!

EDIT: Also, I didn't realize you were associated with Simplex. :slight_smile: I need to do some searching on here and understand what the integration options are with Hubitat...

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Current integration for external services is limited through Maker API to my knowledge.

Yes I'm associated with Simplex Technology :smile:

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Rule machine has cloud endpoints as triggers, you can perform any kind of action you want. No ability to read and parse data though if that's necessary.

Wow, is that what's going on? The webhook isn't updating?

I've seen this happen several times as well. In fact, it just happend again tonight and I came here to write a post about it and decided to search first. Damn.

I would say things are still a bit unclear, however it is narrowing... I would say the short list is now...

  1. Life360 not pushing webhook 100%
  2. Hubitat not receiving webhook 100%
  3. Hub not having resources to process in a timely manner?

Causes could be any network issue between Life360 and Hubitat Cloud or a capacity issue at either end.

Can Life360 servers handle the load/demand from all of the new users? I know from my own use that in the beginning it was very fast and responsive but over time it got slower and slower and unreliable. Has Life360 increased capacity on their end?

We know nothing about the Hubitat Cloud end point. We can guess all day that it's a few EC2 instances but nobody but them know for sure. So the question is with the increase in Hubitat sales/use can their Cloud handle the load or do they need to scale? Will they scale or not because of cost?

Is there a resource issue on the Hub so the webhook is not being processed in a timely manner?

One of the things I did on my side yesterday is to ensure my home network security (Untangle) isn't bogging down traffic to/from the HE hub.

Not sure it will make any difference, but I'll monitor it and see.

I'm seeing the beginnings of something similar. Life360 was rock solid for me for the first 2 months or so, but in the past 2 weeks I've had 2 missed arrivals, and once where it updated 5-10 minutes after I got home. Hopefully it will rectify itself, but who knows. Interestingly, it hasn't missed on my wife's phone yet, just mine.

I have had this happen infrequently as well. After the Hubitat team provided the means to REFRESH the Life360 integration, I simply added a RM Trigger to my two garage doors to REFRESH Life360 when either door is opened. This has resolved any synchronization issues for my family, since we almost always use one of the garage doors for for ingress and egress.

I am still testing Locative on iOS for mobile presence, and it seems very solid using the Hubitat Cloud Maker API endpoint as the method for updating a virtual presence device. I cannot see where a Locative event is missing in Hubitat on my test HE hub. This would lead me to believe that the Hubitat Cloud infrastructure is not bogged down. I would guess Life360 is where the problem might be.


That's a great idea. I haven't set up refreshes yet because it seems like overkill to refresh every 5 minutes for an occasional problem, plus having a 5 minute delay doesn't really solve the that point I've already manually unlocked the door and turned lights on inside. Having it triggered on the garage opening would solve that issue. To further refine it, I can add conditions of at least one person being not need to call a refresh if everyone is already marked as present. Thanks :slight_smile:


I like the idea of using my front door and garage doors as refresh triggers. Wish I would have thought of that!!!

I do have an RM to refresh every 5 minutes, but it caused issues. And doing it triggered seems like a better idea anyway...


I tried refreshing Life360 every time one of my exterior doors opened and ran into an annoying issue.

Sometimes when Life360 was working correctly, i.e. it would trigger appropriately when someone arrives home, the refresh on door opening would cause the presence sensor to be marked as away!

Iā€™m guessing some momentary issue with Life360 location would cause the phone to show up as right outside the geofence or something, but Iā€™m not sure.

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I carried a workaround habit into Hubitat from ST...used to use mobile presence on ST and the mobile presence sensors would stop working occasionally. I got tired of having to replace them in all of my automations every time this happened, so started using virtual presence sensors in all of the automations, then set the virtual presence state using the mobile presence sensor. This way, there was only one place to make a change when I had to delete and re-add the mobile presence sensor. I used the same setup here in HE, one layer of abstraction between the Life360 presence sensors and the virtual presence sensors that are tied into all of my automations.

I'll keep an eye out for this issue, and if it happens maybe add a short delay between Life360 presence departure and virtual presence sensor update.

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I set up a similar rule with my garage and also added motion from my Ring doorbell to refresh my Life360. Unfortunately this did not fully resolve my issue because it appears that the Life360 app would randomly throw errors from the refresh and not update my presence. I would refresh a minute later and it would work fine. I posted the error on another post but got no feedback so I feel like Life360 will not be a reliable presence detector for me.

I tried Locative and Tasker as well but both of these have had intermittent delays. I'm currently testing Alexa presence, which initially was spotty, but with one of the app updates appears to be fast and reliable. It's only been a week so I'm not ready to remove my Life360 integration yet.

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