Leviton ZW4SF pairs but doesn't respond

Hi there everyone,

I just got done installing a Leviton ZW4SF Fan Controller to my hub. However, I'm having some strange behavior that I could use some help diagnosing...

First, I tried pairing the device to the hub without any community drivers. After doing that, I noticed that the device showed up as "Device" with a driver called "Device" (image below)

No problem, I excluded the device, factory reset it, installed the community driver and attempted pairing again. It did pair, but it had the same configuration. I manually changed the driver type to the community driver from @erniemiller .

I cannot do any Z-Wave control of the switch, although when I physically push buttons on the device, I get warnings and debug messages in the logs...

I'm thinking that the device didn't initialize properly and there's a Z-wave Plus security issue that is preventing the device from communicating with the hub. Am I on the right track? Any suggestions for how to get this working? It's sitting in a box right next to a Zooz ZEN30 that is working fine (it was paired several months ago and has been working without issue).

Many thanks for any insight!

However, that didn't quite work, although I do now get some weird logging messages...

That driver does not support secure paired devices.

  • If paired secure, try pairing it with no security.
  • Or try finding a different community driver.
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Thanks much for the pointer @JasonJoel!

Just to confirm... do I just need to exclude the device, and then change this setting to Doors/Locks, Save it, and then repeat the Z-Wave inclusion?

Yes, that should do it.

You never want to use S0 security if you don't have to as it takes 3x as many messages to do most things (which can REALLY bog down your zwave mesh if there is a lot of activity). I would recommend using S0 only on security devices (like locks).

S2 security is OK to use anytime (as it doesn't incur the 3x message penalty), but the C5 and earlier hubs don't support S2.

That did the trick! Many thanks again for the pointer and the short education on security levels in Z-Wave! :slight_smile:


Yep, sorry for delay on my response -- I intentionally didn't bother supporting security in that driver because those switches only support S0, which we generally want to avoid.

(Edit: actually I'm sorry this is the fan driver and not the dimmer driver -- I think the fan switches do support S2. I just always pair them without security. If it's a common enough request I could revisit and add support for secure pairing.)

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They do. I only mentioned S0 as they have a C5 or earlier hub, which only support S0.

You're right that security could be added to the driver easily enough if someone needed/wanted to use S2 with it though.

The Leviton ZW series does support S2 but the DZ series does not.

Have this exact fan switch along side a Zooz Zen77. Moved into this house and decided to go all S2 which is why I got it. Anyway, the Leviton switch wouldn't pair via SmartStart QR code in the C7 Hubitat hub nor would it pair using the classic inclusion method. Fortunately it did pair using SmartStart by manually entering the DSK. After it paired, it auto populated with an RGBgenie LED controller driver. I changed it to the Leviton Fan Controller driver and so far it's working fine - no community driver necessary.