Leviton Smart Dimmer and Alexa: what to say to control brightness/dim value?

Oh, I thought the USB stick in my Hubitat hub contained the os. I guess that's contained in onboard memory in the hub itself. So the USB stick is both a Z-Wave (and ZigBee) radio, as well as some flash memory?

What does the HomeSeer company/product have to do with flashing Leviton dimmer drivers? They sell some general purpose Windows software that can handle flashing of these radio adapters? Will Hubitat ever have that natively?

Exactly they have software and the actual FW files to flash these devices. Leviton will not give out FW to individuals, only companies.

On most physical dimmer switches, you can push the top to turn on the light, or push the bottom to turn off the light. Once the light is on, if your press and hold the top, the light will get brighter and brighter until you release the switch. Likewise, if you press and hold the bottom, the light will get dimmer and dimmer until you release the switch. (As you can see from the bolded text above, we have three physical events - pushed, held, and released.)

Most Home Automation platforms, allow you to turn 'on', turn 'off', and 'setLevel' a dimmer switch. This is usually enough for automations. For example, someone walks into a room, a motion detector 'sees them', causing a rule to run to turn on the light at a specific dim level. In this situation, there is no reason to use the StartLevelChange or StopLevelChange commands.

However, Hubitat has some amazing support for Lutron Pico remotes which are capable of generating pushed, held, and released events. One of the things that users requested was the ability to emulate the physical switch's dimming behavior (as described above) while using a Pico Remote. @mike.maxwell discovered that both Z-Wave and ZigBee have support in their respective protocols to command the device to 'StartLevelChange" in either an "Up" or "Down" direction. To halt the dimming, you issue a 'StopLevelChange' command.

So, now we have the building blocks necessary to use a Pico remote as a smooth dimmer. Using a Button Controller App, we map the "pushed" events to 'on' and 'off'. We map the "held" events to 'StartLevelChange(up)' and 'StartLevelChange(down)'. And finally, we map the "released" events to 'StopLevelChange'.

Hoepfully this helps explain what these two extra commands are typically used for. Not all physical devices support these commands, your results may vary. I use these commands via a pico remote to control smooth dimming of my Sengled ZigBee bulbs. It works great!


Ahhh, that makes more sense: I thought the Start/Stop Level Change command buttons could be used in the Hubitat web GUI (for the Leviton dimmer device). I guess while they could be "used" within the GUI, they have no real-world application within this GUI's context. BUT they are very applicable when coded/programmed in scenarios like you describe... So maybe nothing is wrong with my Leviton dimmer which is currently set to the not-so-smart Generic Z-Wave Dimmer device type. Maybe if I was really quick at clicking on the [Stop Level Change] button, it might function as expected? Then again, if the Direction is set to Down and the Level is set to say 20%: if I then click on the [Start Level Change] button in GUI, shouldn't the dimmer dim the lights down to 20%, and lights stay on? They are turning off instead...

No, they will continue to dim until they reach 0%, unless a stopLevelChange command is received. Same thin happens on the way up. They will stop at 100%, unless you interrupt the command.

setLevel will change the current dim level to the value you type in before pressing the button. Some dimmers also support a time interval over which the change in level will occur. Not all dimmer do, though.

Ahhh, then I guess my dimmer is behaving correctly. Though the Hubitat web GUI does report the Current State->Level incorrectly after using these 2 commands within the GUI...

Another oddity I've noticed is that after I play around with some of the dimmer's device command buttons in the HE GUI, if I then walk over to dimmer on wall and quickly press the top half of switch, the light will come on and dim level will ramp up to 100% (it should have just turned on at whatever its last Level was set at). And if I momentarily press the smaller dim up (or down) buttons (on rgt side of dimmer), lights will ramp up/down to 100%/0% brightness. They should only ramp up/down one fraction/notch.

I just purchased HomeSeer's Z-Flash utility ($15 special). Keeping fingers crossed that my dimmer will work afterwards :slight_smile:

Not totally straightforward (is anything in the IT world?), but I got the dimmer updated to firmware version 1.20 :slight_smile: . I posted detailed instructions under a different post titled Support of OTA firmware updates for Z-Wave / Z-Wave Plus devices

Darn - even with the new firmware (1.20) Alexa is back to reporting "Sorry <device" is not responding" 10 secs after speaking the command "Alexa, turn off the Living Room Lights". It did turn off the lights within a second or so, but then reports no response...
Guess I'm going all the way back to square one - change the device type from Generic SMART Z-Wave Dimmer to Generic Z-Wave Dimmer . :frowning:

And yes, I had to enable dimmer's inclusion/pairing mode, delete the dimmer in HE, add it fresh etc. I also deleted it from Alexa->Smart Home, then did a re-discovery...

I wonder if Support can look at my logs? Are they good at doing that?

Did you factory reset the dimmer?

I thought the dimmer got factory reset at conclusion of firmware update because HE told me it was in Exclusion mode, and would not let me delete the device until I enabled Inclusion mode. But it can't hurt to try performing a factory reset using the dimmers' controls...

Yeah I would exclude the dimmer from HE and then factory reset. You need to hold down the top button nfor at least 15 seconds, you will see it flash red and the light will go off.

I would also forget all devices in Alexa and have it rediscover.

Yippee - that did it! Thanks for the suggestion! I've been doing IT for so long that I should have questioned whether the dimmer really got a factory reset after the upgrade... Still learning, even after all these years :slight_smile:

Yeah I did that to all my dimmers when I updated, it was a pita because I have so many but they have been working great since.

BTW - do you happen to know if there's a way to configure this Leviton dimmer thru HE's GUI? I'm talking about options like minimum light level, max level etc. I know I can do it at the dimmer itself, but thought it would be nice if HE exposed all the settings in its GUI...

Yes use this driver, it has all the advanced config options. You also always switch back to the stock after you configure the dimmer.

Make sure after you save the settings you hit "configure" to send the settings to the switch.

 *  Copyright 2017 Jason Xia
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
metadata {
    definition (name: "Leviton Decora Z-Wave Plus Dimmer", namespace: "jasonxh", author: "Jason Xia", ocfDeviceType: "oic.d.light") {
        capability "Actuator"
        capability "Configuration"
        //capability "Health Check"
        capability "Indicator"
        capability "Light"
        capability "Polling"
        capability "Refresh"
        capability "Sensor"
        capability "Switch"
        capability "Switch Level"

        attribute "loadType", "enum", ["incandescent", "led", "cfl"]
        attribute "presetLevel", "number"
        attribute "minLevel", "number"
        attribute "maxLevel", "number"
        attribute "fadeOnTime", "number"
        attribute "fadeOffTime", "number"
        attribute "levelIndicatorTimeout", "number"

        command "low"
        command "medium"
        command "high"
        command "levelUp"
        command "levelDown"

        fingerprint mfr:"001D", prod:"3201", model:"0001", deviceJoinName: "Leviton Decora Z-Wave Plus 600W Dimmer"
        fingerprint mfr:"001D", prod:"3301", model:"0001", deviceJoinName: "Leviton Decora Z-Wave Plus 1000W Dimmer"

    preferences {
        input name: "levelIncrement", type: "number", title: "In-App Level Increment",
                description: "1 - 100 (default $defaultLevelIncrement)", range: "1..100", defaultValue: defaultLevelIncrement,
                displayDuringSetup: false, required: false

        input type: "paragraph", element: "paragraph", title: "Device Preferences",
                description: "The following preferences are configuring the device behaviors. " +
                        "All of them are optional. Leave a preference empty to skip configuring it."

        input name: "loadType", type: "enum", title: "Load type",
                options: ["Incandescent (default)", "LED", "CFL"],
                displayDuringSetup: false, required: false
        input name: "indicatorStatus", type: "enum", title: "Indicator LED is lit",
                options: ["When switch is off (default)", "When switch is on", "Never"],
                displayDuringSetup: false, required: false
        input name: "presetLevel", type: "number", title: "Light turns on to level",
                description: "0 = last dim level (default)\n1 - 100 = fixed level", range: "0..100",
                displayDuringSetup: false, required: false
        input name: "minLevel", type: "number", title: "Minimum light level",
                description: "0 to 100 (default 10)", range: "0..100",
                displayDuringSetup: false, required: false
        input name: "maxLevel", type: "number", title: "Maximum light level",
                description: "0 to 100 (default 100)", range: "0..100",
                displayDuringSetup: false, required: false
        input name: "fadeOnTime", type: "number", title: "Fade-on time",
                description: "0 = instant on\n1 - 127 = 1 - 127 seconds (default 2)\n128 - 253 = 1 - 126 minutes", range: "0..253",
                displayDuringSetup: false, required: false
        input name: "fadeOffTime", type: "number", title: "Fade-off time",
                description: "0 = instant off\n1 - 127 = 1 - 127 seconds (default 2)\n128 - 253 = 1 - 126 minutes", range: "0..253",
                displayDuringSetup: false, required: false
        input name: "levelIndicatorTimeout", type: "number", title: "Dim level indicator timeout",
                description: "0 = dim level indicator off\n1 - 254 = timeout in seconds (default 3)\n255 = dim level indicator always on", range: "0..255",
                displayDuringSetup: false, required: false

def installed() {
    log.debug "installed..."

def updated() {
    if (state.lastUpdatedAt != null && state.lastUpdatedAt >= now() - 1000) {
        log.debug "ignoring double updated"
    log.debug "updated..."
    state.lastUpdatedAt = now()


def configure() {
    def commands = []
    if (loadType != null) {
    if (indicatorStatus != null) {
    if (presetLevel != null) {
        commands.addAll(setPresetLevel(presetLevel as short))
    if (minLevel != null) {
        commands.addAll(setMinLevel(minLevel as short))
    if (maxLevel != null) {
        commands.addAll(setMaxLevel(maxLevel as short))
    if (fadeOnTime != null) {
        commands.addAll(setFadeOnTime(fadeOnTime as short))
    if (fadeOffTime != null) {
        commands.addAll(setFadeOffTime(fadeOffTime as short))
    if (levelIndicatorTimeout != null) {
        commands.addAll(setLevelIndicatorTimeout(levelIndicatorTimeout as short))
    log.debug "Configuring with commands $commands"

def parse(String description) {
    def result = null
    def cmd = zwave.parse(description, [0x20: 1, 0x25:1, 0x26: 1, 0x70: 1, 0x72: 2])
    if (cmd) {
        result = zwaveEvent(cmd)
        log.debug "Parsed $cmd to $result"
    } else {
        log.debug "Non-parsed event: $description"

def on() {
    def fadeOnTime = device.currentValue("fadeOnTime")
    def presetLevel = device.currentValue("presetLevel")

    short duration = fadeOnTime == null ? 255 : fadeOnTime
    short level = presetLevel == null || presetLevel == 0 ? 0xFF : toZwaveLevel(presetLevel as short)
            zwave.switchMultilevelV2.switchMultilevelSet(value: level, dimmingDuration: duration).format(),
    ], durationToSeconds(duration) * 1000 + commandDelayMs)

def off() {
    def fadeOffTime = device.currentValue("fadeOffTime")

    short duration = fadeOffTime == null ? 255 : fadeOffTime
            zwave.switchMultilevelV2.switchMultilevelSet(value: 0x00, dimmingDuration: duration).format(),
    ], durationToSeconds(duration) * 1000 + commandDelayMs)

def setLevel(value, durationSeconds = null) {
    log.debug "setLevel >> value: $value, durationSeconds: $durationSeconds"
    short level = toDisplayLevel(value as short)
    short dimmingDuration = durationSeconds == null ? 255 : secondsToDuration(durationSeconds as int)

    sendEvent(name: "level", value: level, unit: "%")
    sendEvent(name: "switch", value: level > 0 ? "on" : "off")
            zwave.switchMultilevelV2.switchMultilevelSet(value: toZwaveLevel(level), dimmingDuration: dimmingDuration).format(),
    ], durationToSeconds(dimmingDuration) * 1000 + commandDelayMs)

def poll() {
    delayBetween(statusCommands, commandDelayMs)

def ping() {

def refresh() {
    def commands = statusCommands
    if (getDataValue("MSR") == null) {
        commands << zwave.manufacturerSpecificV1.manufacturerSpecificGet().format()
    for (i in 1..8) {
        commands << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: i).format()
    log.debug "Refreshing with commands $commands"
    delayBetween(commands, commandDelayMs)

def indicatorNever() {
    sendEvent(name: "indicatorStatus", value: "never")
    configurationCommand(7, 0)

def indicatorWhenOff() {
    sendEvent(name: "indicatorStatus", value: "when off")
    configurationCommand(7, 255)

def indicatorWhenOn() {
    sendEvent(name: "indicatorStatus", value: "when on")
    configurationCommand(7, 254)

def low() {

def medium() {

def high() {

def levelUp() {
    setLevel(device.currentValue("level") + (levelIncrement ?: defaultLevelIncrement))

def levelDown() {
    setLevel(device.currentValue("level") - (levelIncrement ?: defaultLevelIncrement))

private static int getCommandDelayMs() { 1000 }
private static int getDefaultLevelIncrement() { 10 }

private initialize() {
    // Device-Watch simply pings if no device events received for 32min(checkInterval)
    //sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 2 * 15 * 60 + 2 * 60, displayed: false, data: [protocol: "zwave", hubHardwareId: device.hub.hardwareID])

private zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicReport cmd) {

private zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.switchmultilevelv1.SwitchMultilevelReport cmd) {

private zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.switchmultilevelv1.SwitchMultilevelStopLevelChange cmd) {

private zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.switchbinaryv1.SwitchBinaryReport cmd) {
    if (cmd.value == 0) {
    } else if (cmd.value == 255) {
    } else {
        log.debug "Bad switch value $cmd.value"

private zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.configurationv1.ConfigurationReport cmd) {
    def result = null
    switch (cmd.parameterNumber) {
        case 1:
            result = createEvent(name: "fadeOnTime", value: cmd.configurationValue[0])
        case 2:
            result = createEvent(name: "fadeOffTime", value: cmd.configurationValue[0])
        case 3:
            result = createEvent(name: "minLevel", value: cmd.configurationValue[0])
        case 4:
            result = createEvent(name: "maxLevel", value: cmd.configurationValue[0])
        case 5:
            result = createEvent(name: "presetLevel", value: cmd.configurationValue[0])
        case 6:
            result = createEvent(name: "levelIndicatorTimeout", value: cmd.configurationValue[0])
        case 7:
            def value = null
            switch (cmd.configurationValue[0]) {
                case 0: value = "never"; break
                case 254: value = "when on"; break
                case 255: value = "when off"; break
            result = createEvent(name: "indicatorStatus", value: value)
        case 8:
            def value = null
            switch (cmd.configurationValue[0]) {
                case 0: value = "incandescent"; break
                case 1: value = "led"; break
                case 2: value = "cfl"; break
            result = createEvent(name: "loadType", value: value)

private zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv2.ManufacturerSpecificReport cmd) {
    log.debug "manufacturerId:   $cmd.manufacturerId"
    log.debug "manufacturerName: $cmd.manufacturerName"
    log.debug "productId:        $cmd.productId"
    log.debug "productTypeId:    $cmd.productTypeId"
    def msr = String.format("%04X-%04X-%04X", cmd.manufacturerId, cmd.productTypeId, cmd.productId)
    updateDataValue("MSR", msr)
    updateDataValue("manufacturer", cmd.manufacturerName)
    createEvent([descriptionText: "$device.displayName MSR: $msr", isStateChange: false])

private zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.hailv1.Hail cmd) {
    createEvent(name: "hail", value: "hail", descriptionText: "Switch button was pressed", displayed: false)

private zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) {
    log.warn "Unhandled zwave command $cmd"

private dimmerEvent(short level) {
    def result = null
    if (level == 0) {
        result = [createEvent(name: "level", value: 0, unit: "%"), switchEvent(false)]
    } else if (level >= 1 && level <= 100) {
        result = createEvent(name: "level", value: toDisplayLevel(level), unit: "%")
        if (device.currentValue("switch") != "on") {
            // Don't blindly trust level. Explicitly request on/off status.
            result = [result, response(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet().format())]
    } else {
        log.debug "Bad dimming level $level"

private switchEvent(boolean on) {
    createEvent(name: "switch", value: on ? "on" : "off")

private getStatusCommands() {
            // Even though SwitchBinary is not advertised by this device, it seems to be the only way to assess its true
            // on/off status.

private short toDisplayLevel(short level) {
    level = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, level))
    (level == (short) 99) ? 100 : level

private short toZwaveLevel(short level) {
    Math.max(0, Math.min(99, level))

private int durationToSeconds(short duration) {
    if (duration >= 0 && duration <= 127) {
    } else if (duration >= 128 && duration <= 254) {
        (duration - 127) * 60
    } else if (duration == 255) {
        2   // factory default
    } else {
        log.error "Bad duration $duration"

private short secondsToDuration(int seconds) {
    if (seconds >= 0 && seconds <= 127) {
    } else if (seconds >= 128 && seconds <= 127 * 60) {
        127 + Math.round(seconds / 60)
    } else {
        log.error "Bad seconds $seconds"

private configurationCommand(param, value) {
    param = param as short
    value = value as short
            zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: param, configurationValue: [value]).format(),
            zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: param).format()
    ], commandDelayMs)

private setFadeOnTime(short time) {
    sendEvent(name: "fadeOnTime", value: time)
    configurationCommand(1, time)

private setFadeOffTime(short time) {
    sendEvent(name: "fadeOffTime", value: time)
    configurationCommand(2, time)

private setMinLevel(short level) {
    sendEvent(name: "minLevel", value: level)
    configurationCommand(3, level)

private setMaxLevel(short level) {
    sendEvent(name: "maxLevel", value: level)
    configurationCommand(4, level)

private setPresetLevel(short level) {
    sendEvent(name: "presetLevel", value: level)
    configurationCommand(5, level)

private setLevelIndicatorTimeout(short timeout) {
    sendEvent(name: "levelIndicatorTimeout", value: timeout)
    configurationCommand(6, timeout)

private setLoadType(String loadType) {
    switch (loadType) {
        case "Incandescent (default)":
            sendEvent(name: "loadType", value: "incandescent")
            return configurationCommand(8, 0)
        case "LED":
            sendEvent(name: "loadType", value: "led")
            return configurationCommand(8, 1)
        case "CFL":
            sendEvent(name: "loadType", value: "cfl")
            return configurationCommand(8, 2)

private setIndicatorStatus(String status) {
    switch (indicatorStatus) {
        case "When switch is off (default)":    return indicatorWhenOff()
        case "When switch is on":               return indicatorWhenOn()
        case "Never":                           return indicatorNever()
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WOW - that is nice!!! Thanks for enlightening a newbie :slight_smile:

I am now able to dim my LED bulbs lower than I was able to before - sweet :slight_smile:

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