Leviton DZS15 switches not updating status when physically turned on or off

Hello everyone. I am new to Hubitat and coming from SmartThings. I am moving away from SmartThings because I have many automations in webcore and that app is going to be deprecated today from SmartThings, or so I read.

I have over a dozen zwave switches, model# Leviton DZS15. I registered some of these in Hubitat and they seem to work correctly when controlled from the app; meaning I can turn them on and off from the app and the status updates accordingly. However, I am having the following issues:

  1. When I turn the switch on or off physically, the status does not update in the app.
  2. A simple Webcore automation which sends me an email when the device is turned on does not trigger at all when the switch is turned on physically. It does trigger when I turn on the device through the app.

When searching this forum, I saw and tried a few suggestions:

  1. Turn off the breaker to kill the power to the new switch: I tried this several times and it does not resolve the issue for me.
  2. Install the zwave poller app and enable polling for those devices: I installed the app and and enabled polling for my devices but the status of the switch still does not update when change phisically and webcore automations are still not triggered.

After registering, these switches register as Generic Z-Wave Switch. I have paused enrolling my remaining devices until I can sort out this issue. Any advise will be appreciated.



This is a Non-Plus device so you will need to use the poller which it appears that you are doing. The question then is, since you are migrating over, have you built a strong enough mesh to let the device communicate timely.


The device I am testing is right about 3 feet away from the hub, so I do not think that's the problem. Also, turning the light on or off from the app works instantly, so it does not seem to have an issue communicating with the light.

So, this seems to be working now after I clicked to stop and restart polling again. Now the zwave poller seems to be updating as expected when the light is turned on or off. I will update this post again if I am still having issues. Thanks.

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The Leviton have some "quirks" in my opinion. You may want to see if their firmware need to be updated, there have been various updates over the years. Many have seen improvements with the newer firmware versions.

This can be done with the built-in (Device Firmware Updater | Hubitat Documentation) app (Assuming a C7 hub) or by using an external Z-stick and Simplicity Studio.


Very interesting. I actually did not know the firmware on these could be updated. I will try this right now on these as I am now having delay in execution for all devices after I added a new device just now.

Thanks again.

You should not use the poller with the DZS15. The DZS15 uses Hail to avoid the now expired Lutron patent. For best results with the device, use the "Generic Z-Wave Smart Switch" driver (not the "Generic Z-Wave Plus Smart Switch"), but do not use a poller.


Forgot about Hail, good catch.

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I followed the links and tried eveything described, including adding another user app for updating firmware on zwave devices in an attempt to get the firmware updated on these. Unfortunately, this is not working. I found a link from Leviton where they recommend using a zwave stick to perform the firmware updates. I've ordered it and will update this post once I receive it and try it.

Another thing, I tried adding a couple of related links for this issue but received a message saying no links are allowed. Are we not allowed to post links on these posts? Links are often an important element of the details and solutions to an issue.

Thank you all for the quick guidance on this issue.

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You are too new apparently, newer users are restricted to reduce spammers. You can join the Owner group here Hubitat to get elevated posting permissions.

The built-in (not user) app should have worked. What about that failed?

Regardless, a Z-stick can be handy to have for various reasons.

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I can't say it doesn't today, but in June of this year the build-in updater did not work.

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The issue when using the built in z-wave firmware updated is that it always seems to get stuck with the message "Please wake up your sleepy device". I get this error after providing a link to the firmware url ota file. It never progresses from that state.

The issue when using the built in z-wave firmware updated is that it always seems to get stuck with the message "Please wake up your sleepy device". I get this error after providing a link to the firmware url ota file. It never progresses from that state.

Correction! The error above is the one I get when I try using the Zwave firmware updater drive code. When I try using the built in Device Firmware Updater, there are other issues:

  1. When I select the device to update, it says "Device did not respond to firmware metadata request"
  2. The file extension I am able to find for updating these Leviton switches is .ota, which is not one of the supported extensions listed on the Device Firmware Updater documentation.

I used Guide to updating Leviton z-wave firmware to update my Leviton DZPA1, DZ15S, and DZPD3, as Device Firmware Updater | Hubitat Documentation did not work. I don’t see DZS15 on the Leviton firmware update page (near the end): https://hubconnecteddecorasmart.leviton.com/hc/en-us/articles/7151993826075-Updating-Decora-Smart-Z-Wave-Using-Home-Assistant

I noticed for my devices (listed above), toggling the state on the physical device does not immediately update the logical device in HE. If the logical device has a “Refresh” button, clicking it will update the state.

You're not using the right driver. You're probably using the "Generic Z-Wave Plus Smart Switch" driver. Use the "Generic Z-Wave Smart Switch" instead.

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Good suggestion. I did just try this and I am getting the same result: the physical turn on/off events are not registered in the hub. I am hoping the firmware update I'll be doing later this week will resolve this issue as I have a lot of these switches.

The DZS15 (zwave 300 series) doesn't support OTA firmware upgrading.

The DZ15S (zwave plus 500 series) does.

Super confusing choice of model numbers that Leviton used. I have gotten them mixed up many times.


@user3849 take a quick look at this thread. It goes into the non plus switches a little bit. This will also help prevent some gotchas that might come up..

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When you switched drivers, did you push configure on the device page?

Also, if you have the dzs15, there are no firmware updates for it. However, that switch uses Hail upon a physical state change, so the controller should automatically poll it for an update.

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I was curious, because my new Zooz Zen15 heavy duty smart switch that wouldn't report its on/off state.

It turned out that it had a parameter set that caused this behavior. Put in revised parameter with Basic z-wave tool, and voila, fixed.

Now, I'm sure (that is, I've read), this has something to do with polling, since it worked with SmartThings,

I did a search for parameters for the DZS15 and found absolutely nothing. I thought that was odd.