It looks like there isn't a generic Matter Lock driver. Is there a good way to add Level Locks to HE? I'm fine using my Google Home stuff as a Thread router, and I was able to get Google Home to hand off to HE, but it just shows up as "Device" with no actual controls or status.
Same thing here. I was able to get the Level Lock + model connected to my Hubitat via Matter. It shows as a “device” and I can’t find any other options that will work. It’s unfortunate because it works very well with Apple Homekit. Hopefully the Hubitat team can get this to work.
Add me to this list too now that Level Bolts are getting Matter firmware, I’d love to get rid of the virtual devices in HomeKit and link this lock directly.
That would be dependent on the driver. What driver are you using for your lock, and is it the lock in the original post? There is not currently a built-in option for these (or anything similar).
In that case: once there is a driver for Matter locks, they should work similarly to other locks on the platform, including the specific issue in your post. The problem you are facing now is more general than that, specifically, that there is no built-in driver for these at all. There may be a community driver that works in the meantime, but I have not tested any.
Well the first step to getting anywhere with this would be to collect the device's cluster info and then post it. MATTER stuff is very standardized so odds are once someone has the clusters the device supports a driver can be created.
Can you open up the device that was created on the Hubitat with the generic device driver and cut and past the cluster info here. I will take a look at what it supports and see how hard it would be to create a driver for it.
I'm new to the innards of hubitat, so forgive me if I get this wrong. I opened up the Device page. It's set to Generic Component Lock. Here's the values:
Thanks guys
The Cluster info is what I was thinking of.
I was just advised by another person that there is likely a problem with the current Matter implementation for locks. I will take a look at some stuff, but based on the other info i wouldn't get your hopes up at this time.
I haven't gotten further then just looking at it. The complexity of the options is a fair bit greater then what I have delt with previously for matter devices. There are also concepts that are totaly different from the drivers i have written before.
Part of the problem is i dont have a Matter Lock device, so i can't even test this at all. I do have a Yale Aussure Lock 2 though, but with the zwave module. Maybe i can swapp the module so i can actively develop and test.
I personally have Amazon Alexa, so I added my Matter enabled Level Bolt there (the original with Firmware 3.2) and then to Hubitat. I'm able to use Echo Speaks v4 (which I've set locally in my LAN) and with Webcore to create automations.
It's a bit of a work around, but it works. Hope this idea helps others.
Still waiting for an actual hubitat driver though.
Sharing for anyone I updated my level bolt to matter via a firmware update. After linking it back up to HomeKit as a matter device, I paired it to Home Assistant where it works well. I then brought it into HE with HADB.
This may not be anyone’s first choice, but it does eliminate virtual switches and HomeKit automation.