Let's talk 3D printers!

Hard to say, obviously...you never know what you'll want to print. I never had any FOMO on the larger size myself, my SV05 was big enough to print everything I wanted to. It's probably a "you won't know until you know" situation. :wink:


Any thoughts on the Creality K1 Max?

Yes, avoid Creality like the plague! They have stolen and modified Klipper in violation of the open source licensing terms.

They did the same thing with Marlin years ago and only relented after a big public pressure campaign.

They are also infamous for not giving a f’k if their printers went into thermal runaway and burnt your house down (literally) all because they where too lazy to enable thermal runaway protection in the firmware of their Ender 3’s.

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I saw the Sovol 06 PLUS recommended on a good review article just a week or two ago. It was in the company of other good printers often mentioned in this thread.


There's a lot of manufacturer bragging about 500mm/s printer capabilities. I've not seen any mentions of quality prints produced by users at 500, though. Prints generally degrade the faster you go. For me, with PETG, 200 is pretty trustworthy and 250 is maybe-maybe-maybe.
....AND, you can always buy a 2nd, 3rd, 4th printer if you need more throughput. heh

I can't speak for the K1 nor am I defending Creality for the past and any current actions, but the Sonic Pad source code is available on github. (I have one bought on special despite the fact that I've also built pi based klipper controllers and you can use it for non creality printers. It was an excellent deal for what I paid for it)

Thermal runaway was also a high risk for quite a number of these early printers, not just from Creality as the protection was not enabled in their firmware.

Here’s some more info:

And Klipper

The difference is that Creality sold orders of magnitude more printers than anyone else and where one of the last OEM’s to release updated firmware with the protection enabled for existing owners.

That's a 5 year old article on linkedin.

Like I said, I'm not defending them. I have an S1 plus and it was not until mid last year that the source got released so we could finally compile to increase hot end temps to 300C for all metal upgrades.

It would seem that the K1 code is also available?

Only took them 6 months and strong backlash from the community. Early on they even released an update to prevent native Klipper from being installed.

Yeah, I hadn't added the Klipper forum link to my initial post, it's there now.

I just really do not like their business practises, that also extends to them selling 9 different flavours of E3 at the same time - it's just lazy! They dont innovate either, it took Bambu Lab coming on the scene for them to finally release a printer not using v-slot wheels and a basic motion system.

And that's the beauty of competition.


I have an SV06 and an SV06 Plus.

I bought the plus because I started printing items that were too big for the regular SV06.


That was my concern as long as it isn't to much more cost wise i am thinking it may make sense to get the bigger unit.

Ignore the mess :rofl:

That's the SV06 and SV06 Plus side by side.
Screen on the top of the Plus is a Bigtreetech Pad 7 that I use to run Klipper on both machines.

The garbage can is a good example of something that's too big for the SV06.

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@bradford.clarke Thanks for the picture and info about that. After thinking about it for a while after my last post I decided i wanted to do the bigger version. I really don't want to run into the situation were i wish i got the bigger one to do a print but didn't at first.

As of very early this morning I got the spouse onboard and so today i did a quick check and found that the Sovol SV07 Plus was as it's best price on Sovol's direct website. So the purchase is done and got it for just over 300 after my browser found another coupon for 10% off. Not bad when most places have it for a good amount more.

One last question I have for the folks here is do you all do anything special to take care of your filament. I have seen some references to it absorbing water and humidity being a issue and affecting print quality. What is the deal with that. and does it impact all types?

Thanks everyone for the help. I am sure i will have more questions as this goes on.

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I think part of it relates to where you live.

Where I am, it gets crazy humid in the summer.

I store all of my filament either in bins or ziploc bags.
I have desiccant in them all to help.

PLA is not supposed to be hydroscopic, but mine does get brittle and break when it absorbs too much.

PETG does absorb moisture more than PLA.

I have filament dryers to take care of that if it becomes a problem.

Filament breaking, and excess stringing are the two most common side affects of moisture.

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Is there a RH% i should look for. I tend to try to keep my home between 45 and 65% at the max with humidifiers and dehumidifiers automated with HE. Or is it more of just keep it as low as possible. During the winter with the furnace running my house would get down around 10% without the humidifiers. So we started that for health reasons.

My wife likes ziploc bags so it looks like we may have another use for them :slight_smile:

It never gets above 40-45% humidity in my house, and even then my PLA gets brittle if I don't keep it in a drier. All brands of PLA.

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I started with individual boxes for the filament. Eventually gave up on it and took @JasonJoel approach:

These stay ~32%RH. I do think I looked and couldn't find a recommended threshold.


Oooh... Thanks for the reminder. I hadn't looked at my tubs in a while, and see that the desiccant needs regenerated.

I have temp/humidity sensors in there that come back to hubitat, you would THINK I would just put an alert on the humidity reading....


If you find it does get brittle, can putting it in a dryer restore it or is it just trash at that point?