Let's talk 3D printers!

Hot Sauce Conveyor


TBH, I dont either, but it's nice to have options.

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hehe, nice!

No argument there... Otherwise why would I have farted around entire weekend days installing/fixing/re-installing/tweaking Klipper in the past. lol


Went through that last night.

Upgraded klipper on my Bigtreetech Pad 7 last night, which triggered an MCU protocol error.

Got most of it figured out and resolved, but nothing would start if the BTT CB1 microcontroller mcu was active.
Had to research how to rebuild the microcontroller mcu.
Finally got it all working again.


And you're a better man for it, right? :wink:

My printer has been in the garage forever due to family & friends visits starting back in the fall of last year, so I've been missing out on all the updating fun. But, for whatever reason, updating Klipper had been pretty straightforward for me.

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It briefly made the front page of reddit yesterday. Users were begging for the stl (and a remix for cans).

I was thinking @danabw needs another stint in the kitchen to add this to his spice racks. Better yet, remix this as a serpentine double-decker and replace those spice racks. Heh!


I need to hide this from my wife! :astonished: At first glance it looked like it was mounted in a bathroom, so I was very confused... :wink:

Normally it is for me as well.

The microcontroller mcu provided by Bigtreetech on their OS image for the CB1 board was version 11, and the rest of klipper was at 12.

The recent update to 12.0-85+ seems to have triggered the error.

Myself and several others in the Sovol group were fine until this latest update.

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Nice, congrats!

Honestly, it’s about time a big channel covered this calibration method!


Finally got my hydroponic tower put together:

Parts all printed on my Voron 2.4. Designed myself in Shapr3d on iPad.

Designed these little lips to catch the edges of the net cup so they can’t fall out.

Measured and modeled the LED lights too so everything fits together.


Dang...that is impressive.

Please, no one tell Greta Thornberg about the not-so-micro plastic debris field I generate with my tiny 3d print farm.


"78 percent of ocean microplastics are from synthetic tire rubber"

And EVs are worse for this since they're bigger, heavier, and go through tires faster.


Another reason to avoid EVs.

No, it's a reason to avoid cars. Gas cars are MUCH worse in many other ways, and both types are all around horrible.


:point_up_2: This...


You do you.

I'm never giving up my car. Sorry, not sorry.


Tell me your alternative to the automobile for transportation that is viable and allows the freedom of movement that the automobile allows. Bus and rail don't cut it in suburban and rural areas. However, that is an entirely different topic.

Back to topic, I am finding that TPU with the direct-drive extruder isn't too hard to print. My mistake at first was reading that it needed to be printed at a lower print speed, so I lowered the print speed only to have it start making blobs of melted plastic around the nozzle. I restored to stock print settings and have had no issues getting TPU to both adhere to the print bed and to print properly.

I need to experiment to find out optimal temperatures and print speeds with the DD extruder.