Let's talk 3D printers!

in the end it's all about speed

For now, I've topped out at 250 on an individual model but I can almost double project throughput by buying another printer. And it's black friday and 35% off. Click Done. Be here tomorrow.

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Armed & Dangerous...

Hold my beer, I'm going in.

Turn ON the fan at 200/255 Duty Cycle = M106 S200
(S255 provides 100% duty cycle; S128 produces 50%.)

M107 - Fan OFF = M107

M140 and M190 – Bed Heating Commands
M140 command begins heating the bed, but allows you to run other commands immediately afterwards. The M190 command will wait until the bed temperature is reached
ex: M140 S80

Set target temperature for the active hotend
ex: M104 S185

M220 - Set Speed (Feedrate) Percentage
ex: M220 S80 (Set feedrate to 80%)

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Haven't posted in a while. I spent the better part of two weeks putting up a Honeycomb Storage Wall and accoutrements.

Still have a bunch of stuff to stick away in the garage after figuring out what I wanted on the wall and easily accessible. A few of the items I designed if you want to check out my Printables page.


Nice job. Looks cool!

What material did you use? I see the original creator used PETG.

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I like the color combo...looks cool.

Just PLA and it's holding up just fine even with me constantly moving holders around.

Danke. I did all the accessories for my first printer in black because that's all I had. When I added the second, I went with Bambu's orange. Figured it was fitting to do the checkered in both since it's between the printers.

And, for anyone interested in doing this, there are models out there to print more than one at a time with a layer of "supports" between them. Using some support PLA and those models would've saved a ton of time.

On another topic. What is everyone doing for filament storage? My plan is to put a shelf above the HSW but would like to reserve that for some toys. I'm using these two small shelving units right now but was hoping to figure something out to make better use of the empty space under the desk.


That's good to know / agree that would make it much faster.

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Clean setup! I've been going crazy with the Gridfinity project lately, helping me organize my enormous pile of crap I've been slowly going crazy over.

Top drawer next to my desk holds most of my tools, USB drives, etc. Still working on filling it out slowly.

This is one of the lower drawers next to my desk. I keep most of my cables, as well as some tape, scissors, and spare chargers.

Though the majority of my bins are in a wide Ikea Alex drawer, makes it super easy to store small things. Top drawer is electronic components and miscellaneous stuff, and the lower is all fasteners and other mechanical hardware.

I have a small Gridfinity section below my main monitor that holds more stuff, as well as my stream deck. Got another on top of the Ikea Alex next to my desk, mostly with larger / taller stuff that doesn't fit in the drawers. Life changing system really, in terms of organization. Been debating taking it out into my garage and tackling some of my storage options out there, but I may need to invest in another printer to do that :joy:


I started with Gridfinity but quickly realized I wanted to get my frequent use items out the way before sorting through the rest, so I let my intrusive thoughts win and jumped to the HSW. I'm going to flip back to the Gridfinity project soon.

If you use Fusion360, there's a Gridfinity plugin to let you generate them on the fly with quite a few options.


I've heard of that plugin, but I'm not a Fusion 360 user. I use Solidworks with my job, so I didn't want to always be flip flopping design software's. I ended up spending a couple hours designing some Gridfinity bases for myself in SW. A 1x1, 1xY, and XxY that are variable controlled. Now I have my building blocks. I can just set variables for the size and height, and then add pockets for whatever I need. Makes pretty quick work to churn out a box model if I need.

I definitely like the idea of wall mounting tools, rather than on a desk top or in a drawer. Makes them much easier to quickly grab, and takes up less space. I think someone made a honeycomb to Gridfinity adapter, if you're feeling extra dangerous :sunglasses:

Gridfinity definitely has made me consume the most amount of spools in the shortest amount of time to date. I think my printer hates me for it lol. I even printed this Gridfinity base for the X1C: Printables just need to get around to scraping the support material off of it and mounting it

I've definitely noticed a space improvement moving things into Gridfinity, compared to my old habits. Having things neatly organized in a drawer allows for a lot more usable space than everything just thrown in there in chaos. Also, I took a lot of my old model designs to hold things (like the USB drives, and cables) and designed Gridfinity compatible solutions. Much nicer to have them fit a standard than just a random sized chunk of plastic doing a similar task. Makes things much easier to reorganize in the future as well, as I continue adding into it

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100% onboard there. If I did this for a living, I'd stick what I know too. I really need to make time to take a few Fusion courses so I could justify speeding the money on the license.

This is where I got with the Gridfinity project:

But then, my wife and I decided to swap offices which gave me a much larger space. So I've been trying to think through workflows. The desk this drawer is in and the printer desk are on opposite sides of the room, so I didn't want stuff in the Gridfinity bins that I'd want access to frequently by the printers.

I do keep bouncing back and forth on what to do with all the nuts and bolts I have in their prepacked bins. It's going to be a nightmare trying to split them up into their respective bins if I go the Gridfinity route.

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You mean you convinced your wife to have the larger space :joy: My wife has the larger 'office' but it is also our main guest room when people come to visit. Since I use a desktop for work and she has a laptop (we both primarily work from home), its much easier for her to relocate to a different room temporarily if needed.

For the longest time I was using clear tackle box holders for my smaller hardware. Becomes a problem though when I have 9 sizes of M3 screws, and only 8 compartments to hold them in. Led to me having the tacklebox holders, and random bags of hardware just stuffed in the drawer. So I decided on the 1x1 bins, which are taller and make much better use of the space. Hardware and misc electronics are stored in the wide Ikea Alex, which I do have to walk over to. Though, if I know what I need, I just grab the bins, and bring them to my desk to assemble. Makes it easy enough to grab what I need in 1-2 trips. I even have a couple of early test print bases (2x4 and 3x5) that I can use as trays if I am grabbing a bunch of bins at once. I keep my tools at my desk, so they are easy to access without having to get up.

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I'm trying to set up a Raspberry Pi 3B+ as an OctoPrint server. So far, so good. I got it booted and I can view the web interface. I need to find my USB cable to connect the Pi to the printer. Then I can see if it will work or not. I tried using OctoDroid before an it did not work very well. Prints kept stopping. I am hoping the R-Pi works better.

I'm trying it and it is indeed impressive. UI is great and makes Advanced mode less daunting. I'm having trouble with max print speed settings, though. It appears that an update to the printer firmware screwed up the profile as the new printer with older firmware runs Orca gcode just fine.

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Which printer and firmware are you running?

AnkerMake M5 Firmware is a fork of version 2.0.x Marlin.

I have twin M5s, I did not connect the Black Friday machine to the network, so no update was done. I then found it had the older firmware I like the most (v3.0.18) and left if all local only.
The year-old M5 was updated to the latest --v3.0.70. AFAIK, there is no rollback feature yet.

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For filament storage I just setup a new cabinet today.


I just posted a new wall mount for the Fire Max 11 tablet that allows you to easily remove the tablet.


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Multiboard: Stack 3D Printing 101 - YouTube


Why Prusa is floundering.....


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