Let's talk 3D printers!

Wow, that Shelly on the downstairs furnace "needs some serious hushing!" (A favorite expression of one of my grandmothers.) :wink:

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I made some new bed mounts from 5052 aluminium. They are so much stiffer than the ABS+ mounts I had, it isn’t funny!



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Hey, someone who agrees with me. I could have written that article as it directly aligns with my thoughts. Lol

Good to see it's not killing hub performance!

On a better note (for me at least) my X1C showed up today! Super excited to get it going this evening!

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You're waiting to set it up!? You are so much more mature than me. :wink:

Congrats, new toys can still as much fun as when we were five. :slight_smile:

Made some pretty good progress today:

Mostly connection errors/reconnecting, getting the attributes peeled out of the MQTT responses, and making the subscription run on a cycle until of the constant feed that happens when the connection is left open.


It took a lot of restraint to not take a half day from work, but without the paychecks I can't afford filament for it! :joy: It was delivered just before lunch, and since I was working on-site today I took a long lunchbreak to make sure it got safely inside, since the wife also had to be on-site today. I'm just glad they didn't require a signature, or I would have had to wait another day.

So far so good though, running my first personal (not bambu) print now. Boy is it quick, think I am going to need a more sturdy table for this thing, the one I am using now is lacking.

I also just found out Bambu is having a minor cloud outage causing issues with sending prints, so it took a while of me going crazy thinking it was something in my Unifi network causing an issue. The printer is on my guest wifi network, and I thought it was having issues communicating with my personal network. Turns out it was just a cloud outage, ironically, it reminds me of the SmartThings days! Though, better to have issues starting a print, than lights not turning on!

Using SD Card for now, and hopefully once the cloud is working again, it will print wirelessly. Print wise so far is superb.


Awesome news! Really cool to see all the functionality available to actually control the printer too.

I see connect/disconnect and subscribe/unsubscribe buttons. Again, I'm no expert in how MQTT works, but are you setting it up so you can actually 'disconnect' to avoid the MQTT spamming? I have a device driver I use with functionality like this, where it has a 'how often to refresh' dropdown in preferences. You can choose how frequently you wish for the data to be refreshed, and even set a time schedule to avoid refreshes between two time intervals of the day.

Side note, since I am learning a lot about the printer today; I assume you are using LAN only mode to communicate with it?

No. You just need the access code form that menu.

MQTT sets up a connection. In this case, the Hub will connect to the printer. Then, the Hub subscribes to MQTT "topics" to get data in from the printer. The Bambu only has a single topic with everything in it. That topic publishes reports about every half second...more so during an actual print cycle. So, the spamming only occurs while the hub stays subscribed to the reports.

What I toyed with tonight is setting up the subscribe/unsubscribe to work more like a poll. That interval will be set with the "Attribute Update Schedule" command. The driver will subscribe at whatever interval is set for 5 seconds to get a few reports to update the attributes, and then unsubscribe until the next interval passes.

I think my next shot will be to instead just subscribe until the first attribute update report comes in and then unsubscribe. Even just shifting the subscription to run every 60 seconds has made a very drastic improvement in usage.

I do plan to push the driver to HPM once I'm happy with that bit. I don't have an AMS (for now) so I can't account for those data points. So far I have:

Toggle bar light
Toggle toolhead light
Unload filament
Set fan speeds
Set nozzle temp
Set bed temp

These are all available as commands so they can be used in automation rules. I've added LED lighting to my lid so something as a simple as automatically turn that light off/on when running a calibration would be nice.

The four of us with a Bambu that use Hubitat will hopefully get some real use out of this....:grin:

I might even add an option to be able to manually inject gcode for "super advanced users"


I'll let Michael from Teaching Tech know when it's ready too, he has a C7 and is working on a Hubitat + Printer Automation video.


Right on. Maybe he can think of some creative use cases that I haven't thought of.

One stupid thing they did is how they handle setting and reporting if the fan speeds. You set the speed with a value of 0-255, but it reports in a value of 0-15. I think I'm going to try to convert both to percentages for commonality but I need to do some more testing.

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Just to confirm - he's going to showcase the currently available options on Hubitat, not working on his own automation, right?

Good to hear, I like having the phone app to check in on it, something I wish my other printers had. Honestly ever since I have had it running I have had the livestream up in the slicer program just watching over it on my second monitor. I think I've been spending too much time at my computer tonight :joy:

This is awesome, and how I was thinking it would work in regard to the 'refresh' cycle. Printers are fairly predictable, once you know how long the print is going to be, you really only need to check in every once in a while to make sure the values are where they should be (still printing, temps good, filament didn't run out, etc...).

Happy to hear it'll be on HPM, and big thanks for sharing your hard work! I am very happy to help beta test for ya, I do feel partially responsible since I was the one asking for a direct integration :joy:. Hopefully a nice integration will help others on the new printer fence decide to pick one up. I was a little concerned about getting one given a Prusa MK4 would probably have better integration capabilities, but this just makes getting a X1C so much better.

No AMS here either, but if it goes on sale, I'll probably be picking one up. Not sure if any Bambu & Hubitat users have one honestly.

I haven't yet been able to find a preheat button on the printer, which is something I miss from my other printers. Manually setting temps works, but it is a pain. I like to preheat a little early just to start bringing the chamber up to temp usually while I am playing with settings in the slicer. Since you have the ability to set nozzle & bed temps, it would be super easy to start the preheating process from my computer while prepping models.

My understanding is that it'll be something along the lines of "useful home automation ideas for your 3D printer (running Klipper and hopefully for Bambu labs too) using Hubitat Integrations".

:raised_hand: I have an ams, but I’m using the Home Assistant integration at the moment.

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5 second update interval:

30 second update interval:

My plan tonight is to work on unifying the fan speed stuff and getting this into HPM. I'll start up a new thread when I do and cross-post the link here.


The 5 second interval hurts to look at, but the 30 second is looking really good!

Probably good we start a new thread, sorry to everyone we have been Bambu spamming this one lately!

On a side note, I think by the time the weekend is over I will be out of things to print! The X1C prints ABS so well, I've had a couple files on my desktop for months that I have ignored, and they are printing right now! Luckily, I have a few other ideas of things to print, but they may take some design time to be ready to go.

Nice work!

Here we go: