Oh cool, never heard of yeggi. Will check it out. Ty!
It is an aggregator of 3d maker sites like Thingiverse, Printables, Makerworld, etc. Its internal search is poor -basically one word, sometimes 2-word phrases. But you can limit results to 'free' so that's a help. I generally use google for deep searching yeggi and also review google images for the search, but you still often have to go through 25 pages.
Another one to try is stlfinder.com
Got to line you up to teach a class at some point...
I’ll be honest, I rarely need multi colour printing, as I mostly design my models components to be individual colours (learned that trick from Fab365).
But as someone who swaps between colours frequently, the lack of an AMS in my main printer is something that annoys me. I definitely plan to get an AMS if I ever get around to buying a P1S.
I was an 'influencer' in search before there were influencers ...and when google was just a twinkle in Sergey's eye.
ORCA/Bambu A1: I've printed threaded, adjustable leveling feet using my workhorse generic PETG at Ludicrous speed. All 4 models came out great, NO stringing. The best I can do with this filament on CURA/Anker M5 is 200. Wow.
Outer Wall 200 x 166%: 332
Top: 200 x 166%: 332
Inner Wall 300 x 166%: 498
Infill 275 x 166%: 456
StrataSys just sued Bambu Lab!
Wow!! They’ve just sued claiming they own the following patents:
- Purge Towers
- Heated build platforms with a polymer coating
- using multiple extruded walls to print objects
- Using a “force” sensor on a print head or extruder
Prusa and other OEM’s would be in trouble if this lawsuit succeeds! What a pack of a$$holes!
They’ve sued Bambu in one of those patent troll friendly Texan courts, so I expect this to take a long time to get resolved.
I was reading on the net that the heated print bed was a Prusa innovation. If so, then Starasys's patent is questionable.
In any case, if Stratasys succeeds, then all of these inexpensive printers will disappear and we will all pay much more for the same functionality since any cost of a license will be passed on to the consumer as will the cost of any royalties.
The only thing I can’t find prior art for / origin of, is the purge / prime tower.
The force sensor patent is complete B.S. too, 3D printers are using exactly the same technology that has been used in industrial machines for decades. It’s not even close to being novel enough to patent.
If BL loses I hope we are able to get our devices offline and dodge forced firmware updates.
If they lose, they’ll just have to pay royalties.
Or they might just throw in the towel and decide to negotiate a price and move on. Assume that's what Stratasys is banking (literally) on.
One thing that might play into Bambu’s favour, their slicer is Prusa Slicer under the hood and both are open source.
So this means they can quite easily show when certain features were developed using public records.
That said, the way I read these patent claims suggests that the patents have been intentionally worded to appear as “hardware patents “. The reason this matters is, getting software patents is very difficult due to much higher standards.
The fact that most of these features being disputed are 100% software, and nothing to do with hardware, might also make it easier to have the claims invalidated.
Eg they are tying the purge tower patent to an IDEX type hardware design, when this is a hardware agnostic software solution.
At the end of the day, printers are fairly dumb CNC machines and the magic is 90% in the Slicer.
Just having a look through the patents in dispute, the heated bed patent seems to be a stretch, Prusa created the PCB heated bed back in 2010 iirc. They didn’t introduce a removable plate until right 2017.
The StrataSys patent is from 2014 and claims to cover the heated bed with a removable plate coated with a polymer surface. What a joke, there are a multitude of different high temp polymers that could used, and they are saying our patent covers all of them! Talk about overly broad!
That's probably true but it's not guaranteed. Google had to delete features after the Sonos lawsuit, for example.
But that was because the refused to pay the licensing fees, not because they lost.
And Bambu might make the same decision. I'm just saying it's not like we can guarantee there's no customer impact for any fight like this.
True and the fact that they have the poop shoot and many of us do multi color without the tower is the proof that Bambu did not intend for the use of towers and that it's just something that was in the slicing software they decided to use.
Moving on to nicer news....
Just got through 50 hrs of printing on my new Bambu P1S. What can I say, thing's a beast compared to my old ender 3 clone. Virtually automatic printing from the get go from orcaslicer. That ender 3 is going to end up in some lucky friend's kid's bedroom in the near future.
My main gripe is the poor LAN mode. So much stuff disabled like the camera (not particularly useful even in cloud mode @1fps). I understand Bambu to be be working on improving it but this lawsuit cannot be helping. Anyone using the home assistant integration?